Advertise with SavingsPinay

Last Updated on December 14, 2021 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH is open for advertisers. If you are a brand, business or a blog and want to get noticed through guaranteed referred traffic, you can email me at or simply fill out this form. Why advertise with SavingsPinay? SavingsPinay receives around 20,000 page views a…

February 2018 Recap and Extra Income Report | SavingsPinay

Last Updated on December 13, 2021 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH Hi and welcome to a new recap and extra income report while working full-time, February 2018 Recap + Extra Income Report.   Every month I publish an in-depth report of my net-worth and extra income projects. I personally love reading income reports and I hope…

ETF, Index Fund and PERA: Best Investment for Retirement Philippines

Last Updated on December 13, 2021 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH According to this January 2017 news report, over 41 percent of older millennials, aged 24 to 35, predicted that they won’t be “financially secure enough to retire until they are older than 65,”   This survey result is heartbreaking.   As someone who has immense…