Last Updated on December 13, 2021 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH
It’s now time to talk about my 2021 goals.
Since starting this blog I have publicly declared my goals. I see it as a way to keep myself accountable. Making it public provides me with just the right amount of pressure to act on my goals and make it happen.
I feel like last year wasn’t bad in terms of achieving goals.
You can read why I said so in my 2020 year end review. From completing my long standing emergency fund goal, getting a promotion, launching my own podcast show, releasing a paid budget template, to speaking engagements I did last year.
I definitely had a blast. It was a fruitful year even though the 2020 turned out to be what it was.
Let’s begin talking about goals.
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Financial Goals
End with Php 500,000 net worth
This was my original goal last year but I had to revise because of how 2020 unfolded.
I’ve been pretty much consistent when it comes to saving and investing at least Php 100,000 every year. Even without any increase in my salary just like what happened in 2019. I know the 400K mark is doable especially now that I can maximize the salary increase I got from my promotion last year.
For the other Php 100K, it would depend on my side hustle income. Of course, I am also praying the net worth I have earned as I start 2021 won’t get lower than what it is.
Ending with Php 500,000 net worth is challenging but what an exciting target to reach.
Grow Side Hustle Income to Php 100,000 net
In my 2020 Side Hustle Income Report I got to almost Php 53,000 net income thanks to paid webinars, money coaching, graphic design work and Google Adsense.
For 2021, I want to double my side hustle income. Here are the key things that should happen in order to achieve that:
- Market my services more specially as resource speaker for webinars
- Release at least three (3) paid products and market them well
- Publish new YouTube videos so I can increase my watch time and hopefully get eligible in YouTube Adsense Program.
Total Money Saved in Invested to Php 100,000 net
As I mentioned, saving and investing Php 100,000 is something I am able to do on a yearly basis. But I still want to include this in my goal setting to remind myself every month. What matters most for me is the net investment that I make every year.
For 2021, I want my total money saved and invested to be at least Php 100,000 net.
Finish my 2021 Sinking Funds
This year, I am all out for sinking funds!
Sinking Fund is typically small amount you set aside every week, every month or every year into a specific goal that’s personal to you. People build a sinking fund to purchase furniture, luxury items, gifts, upgrades and such. This is also the same fund you build for dream vacations like a trip to El Nido, Palawan or your first travel abroad.
I have two different lists for my sinking funds – Blog and Business and Personal Sinking Funds.
For Blog and Business Sinking Funds, I am saving up on the following:
- Work Space Renovation
- SSL cost of the blog
- Domain and Hosting
For Personal Sinking Funds, I am saving up on the following:
- Gift for my new “pamangkin”
- Gift for my cousin
- Non-Beauty Wishlist
- Insurance Renewal
- Christmas 2021
Blog and Business Goals
Upload 2x/week on YouTube
My biggest to do list for 2021 is to go back making videos on YouTube. I’ve been meaning to create YouTube videos again and this time I really want to make this goal happen. I set February 2021 as my comeback on YouTube since the first month of the year will be spent on needed preparations.
Please do follow me on my YouTube channel.
Blog 100 times
Last year I was able to publish 60 posts. Since I was not able to accomplish my target number of 100, I decided to put it on the goal again this year. For 2021, my goal is to publish 100 posts. I will try to keep on posting with the same schedule of Tuesdays and Thursdays. With Saturdays reserved for announcements, collaborations or paid press releases.
Release at least three (3) Paid Products
Last year I was able to launch my very first paid product, The Budget Template.
It was such an achievement on my part and I’m so happy I did it.
For 2021, I want to release at least three (3) paid products. I’m targeting each end of the quarter for this.
Get one (1) month ahead of blog posts
Creating content is one of hardest part of blogging. I know because for the past seven years I’ve been maintaining two blogs with a full time job. Since we are still operating on a work-from-home basis every other week, I’d like to maximize that and create as many posts as I can.
For 2021, I want to get at least one (1) month ahead of blog posts.
I will try to keep on posting with the same schedule of Tuesdays and Thursdays. With Saturdays reserved for announcements, collaborations or paid press releases.
Update blog Main Menus and Archive
I believe both and deserves a much needed update. They’ve been the same since 2017 and much have changed since then.
For 2021, I want to update my Main Menus and release a better Archive that will allow a more reader-friendly blog.
Reach $500 Total Google Adsense Payout
Last year, I set a goal of $400 on Google Adsense Payout. However, I was $100 off that goal. For the year I’m setting myself on a quite an ambitious goal of $500. The reason for this is because I am planning to get active on YouTube and aiming to earn something from YouTube as well.
Personal Goal
Read 20 books
For 2020, I finished reading 16 books.
That’s three books higher than I did in 2019 but still below my 2020 Reading Challenge of finishing 20 books.
Click here for a review of all the books I read last year.
For 2021, I am setting myself for 20 books as a target.
Final Notes from SavingsPinay
That’s it for my 2020 goals. If you like to follow me on a personal basis, please do so on Instagram
Excited to share my monthly updates and net worth updates with you moving forward. Thank you for reading.
What are your goals for 2020?