Last Updated on January 5, 2015 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH
Happy New Year!!!
If you are reading this then I want you to know how much God loves you! How much He cares about you! And how much He is longing for your attention! I believe that the year 2014 passed by too fast that we forgot to take a pause and just delight with His blessings. As I look back to how my year went, I remember the many blessings and opportunities He had showered and it all came back to me how thankful I should be to God. I hope that as the new year starts we will all remember to thank Our Creator for giving us the life that we truly deserve and making our paths go according to His plan. There may be ups and downs along the road but what truly matters is that we choose to stand up and reach for the stars. God’s promise is a life of abundance. There will be no worries as long as we have our full trust in Him.
How will you celebrate the New Year?
For me, more than the food on the table, I want to celebrate it by writing my plans and goals in the coming year. If you want to take a look on what’s in store for me this 2015 then click here. I also celebrate it by just reminiscing the past and forgiving myself for the past. Of course nothing beats celebrating the New Year with your family around.
I wish you a prosperous New Year! If you want to start a better 2015 then financially then I do hope you can continue learning through this blog. I have a lot of posts, ideas and projects reserved for the coming year so I hope to see you around. 🙂
Again, I pray for you and your family as well as all your endeavors in life!
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