How Much Money Should You Save Each Month?

It’s given that saving money is one of the fundamental step towards financial freedom. Nobody can be called financially free without his or her savings. Your savings could affect how you’ll achieve your goals, live your life and prepare for the future. So on today’s post we will be getting real with our SAVINGS.  How Much…

SERIES | Overview of January SavingsPinay Series Financial Planning 101

Hooray for finishing January SavingsPinay Series! Thank you for spending your time reading the posts and supporting this blog. We have arrived finally on the overview of the series and at the end of this post I will be giving a free infographic on the A to Z of Personal Finance you can download and…

SERIES | Financial Planning 101 : Day 4 Personal Finance Moves You Ought to be Doing

This will be the last day of Financial Planning 101 but we still have tomorrow’s overview with free infographic to look forward. I hope you enjoyed the January SavingsPinay Series from Day 1, Day 2, Day 3.  One common mistake that people make in terms of managing their money is the lack of financial plan….

SERIES | Day 3 Financial Planning 101 : Personal Finance Tips + Free Infographic

We are now on Day 3 of the Financial Planning 101 Series. Again thank you for the positive feedback and I really do hope that the information you read helps. READ: Introduction Post, DAY 1 and DAY 2. Day 3 is a massive list of Personal Finance Tips that Everyone Ought to Know. I’ve collected…

SERIES | Financial Planning 101: Day 2 Elements of a Solid Financial Plan

Welcome to Day 2 of our January SavingsPinay Series. If you missed the Introductory Post of this series clink HERE. If you missed Day 1 click HERE. A quick message of appreciation first to those who have shown their support on Financial Planning 101 Series. Hope you’s share the series to your friends via Facebook…

SERIES | Financial Planning 101: Day 1 Top 5 Personal Finance Basics

Welcome to Day 1 of our January SavingsPinay Series. If you missed the introduction then you can click this LINK or the post yesterday.  Financial Planning 101 is a great way to kick start the New Year right with your finances. You will be introduced to the importance knowing the what and ho of money….