
Reader Question – What are your money advice for a 30 year old?

Hi and welcome to a new Reader Question post. I try to do this kind of post once or twice a month to give way to inquiries I receive on my personal Facebook account, the SavingsPinay PH on Facebook and through SavingsPinay PH on Instagram. I do encourage you to send any budget, savings, investment…

10 Best Peso Sense Ipon Challenge Stories

I am a big fan of Peso Sense  Facebook Page, specifically the #IponChallenge stories and testimonies the page shares. I enjoy browsing and reading through real accounts of people who have succeeded in their saving goal through dedication and commitment. With Quarter 1 done, I know most of you are pondering upon your 2021 goals and resolutions….

Reader Question – Which do I prioritize first? An emergency fund or life insurance?

Hi and welcome to a new Reader Question post. I try to do this kind of post once or twice a month to give way to inquiries I receive on my personal Facebook account, the SavingsPinay PH on Facebook and through SavingsPinay PH on Instagram. I do encourage you to send any budget, savings, investment…


The 50-20-30 Budget Rule and How It’ll Save Your Finances!

The 50-20-30 Budget Rule was one of the very first financial lesson I shared on SavingsPinay.   It is one of the simplest and the easiest budget technique you can use to decide what percentage of your income goes to expenses, savings or others.   Instead of budgeting your income to 20 or more categories…