Last Updated on February 1, 2015 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH
Welcome to Day 1 of the 14 Day Productive Living Program.
Hi! I hope you are still enjoying this first ever program from Savingspinay. The goal of this 14 Day Program is to unleash your highest potential by becoming a more productive you. Your efficiency and effectiveness over day to day living will be so much better.
Here’s the rundown of our lessons;
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Day 1- How to Plan for A Year
Planning for how your year will be is important. It gives you an blueprint of how the year will be. Planning is far more than setting goals, it is a major breakdown of what you want in your life and how you would make it possible.
I never actually created a yearly plan. The nearest that I did was my yearly personal and financial goals. But towards the end of 2014 I decided it is time to just have a year of planning how my 2015 will be.
No, planning won’t guarantee that the year will be all good but it will certainly make it become better. Your plan will be your very map that you would go back at day by day by day.
The first thing that you need to settle in planning your year is that the time frame is very broad. We are talking of 12 months or 54 weeks or 365 days in advance of planning. This means that you need to think of the bigger picture.
Have your “WORD of the YEAR”.
I remember reading the book Eat, Pray and Love and was in deep amusement over the part when Liz is in Italy and they were talking about finding word that will best describe you.
I love that idea.
I guess it is important to think of that one word that best describe what you want to be this 2015. My word was actually “EMBARK”. I want the year to be a year of “beginnings”. I want to embark in improving my relationship with God, embark in knowing myself better, embark on a journey towards a better me.
Now it is your turn. What will be your “WORD” this year?
Now that you know your word of the year the next thing is to set some goals that are in accordance to the word you chose.
Since my word is all about beginnings, most of my goals this year are a “first time” for me. Traveling to 21 destinations before the year ends is so new because I never really traveled ever, like alone.
Your goals should also center on your different dimensions such as Mental, Emotional, Social, Spiritual, Physical and Occupational.
- Mental should include plans that make your mind work for the better. Reading books, attending seminars and the plan to attend a short course or a special class.
- Emotional means straightening your attitude towards life. Overcoming your stress , depression, anger, grief, and other emotional factors.
- Social is all about how you interact with the others. Forgive yourself and deal with the conflicts and issues you own with others.
- Spiritual is all about your faith journey. This year I embarked on journaling and bible study where I follow a daily plan. You can do this too as part of your 2015 goals.
- Physical includes choosing healthier food, exercising, going to gym and just managing your total body and your health.
- Occupational means work related wellness like balancing your work and life, personal accomplishment and career achievement.
It will also be nice to just have an “over all brain dump” session. Have a piece of paper and list down every tasks, needs and projects that you have in mind. Just put everything on paper and don’t mind organizing the thoughts per categories or per deadline. Once you have everything listed you need to sort them depending on importance. This will serve as your action list for the year that end of 2015 you will review letting you know if you become productive.
Planning your year shouldn’t be a daunting task. The truth is, you owe it for yourself to have a plan. You need a time to really become aware on what’s going on in your life from Day 1. Again just find a word that you want to be the core or central theme of your life and from there give your best in making goals in the areas of your life.
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