Last Updated on December 7, 2021 by
Welcome to my February 2019 net worth update.
It will be in the same layout as last month as I want the net worth updates to stay as simple as possible and reflect real numbers and situations.
February 2019
As you may notice I’ve been missing in action for the month of February 2019. The reason for that is something major happened to me at work.
In the middle of February I received a breakthrough at work. I am now a Digital Marketing Associate at one of the leading asset management firm in the country. Same company, new role! This means I get to apply everything I do as a blogger – making social media posts, maintaining website, creating graphics and so on as my day job. Isn’t it amazing?
What’s more surprising is that it was the same job I applied for two years ago but I didn’t get it because the HR Associate back then thought my work experience is more fitting to a Technical Writer. I waited and prayed silently for the opportunity to open up for the said role but after a year I thought it was not really for me.
God surprised me after two long years.
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours – Mark 11:24
Prayer do works. I can tell you I am now at my happiest career-wise. I remember the famous saying “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life,” that is where I am at the moment. I am so enjoying every single day of my new role as Digital Marketing Associate. I wake up feeling excited that I will get back to my desk and work. Weird, right? But it’s true.
For personal life update you can check out Goodbye February, Hello March 2019 post.
This month was still amazing in the money department. I was able to cash out my Google Adsense payout amounting to Php 7940 (converted). I also had a paid sponsored post for SavingsPinay this month which I did not expect at all. Aside from the usual 10% every payday I was able to add money for my emergency fund because of the holiday pay we have at work.
Related read: My First Google Adsense Payment
Overall, yes it was busy but still a great February 2019.
February 2019 Blog Update and Highlights
Adjusting with the new role as Digital Marketing Associate is taking most of my time in February so I kinda lost track of my blogging tasks. I was only able to publish two posts which is too few compared to last month.
Here are the posts for February 2019 in case you missed something:
Traffic and Income Breakdown
In terms of traffic and income, February 2019 was pretty low! Both blogs – SavingsPinay and Izza Glino Full suffered because of the lack of posts.
Here is a quick snippet of the traffic and income breakdown for each blog:
In February 2019, I earned a total of $18.21 from blogging. This will be my starting balance for my next Google Adsense Threshold.
I also cashed out a total of $153.40 or Php 7,940 as my Adsense Payout which now reflects on my Extra Income Fund.
February 2019 Goals
Something I am excited to include in this new monthly recap is the update on my goals. I believe one of the biggest mistake I made last year was not reviewing and taking notes of my progress. Thankfully, I learned my lesson and this 2019 I want to do it every month and be as transparent as possible.
The set up of my goals update is based on Sir Joe of He is one of the top bloggers I follow.
Financial Goals
End 2019 with Php 250,000 net worth. For 2019, I want to be back as near as Php 250,000 in net worth. Even exceed the said target if possible. And this February 2019 I am 73% near the target.
Tithe 10% of whatever Money I Earn Every Month. This is a very important goal for me. Tithing is more than just a financial term. All of us are called to tithe and bring every tenth of whatever we have back to God. I am tithing way much this year though compared to what I did last year because I re-calculated how much I am earning in a month and in a year. I have cash benefits I receive that I need to tithe to like holiday pay, bonuses and allowances which I failed to include last year. So yep, whatever money I earn every month including the blog (or any side hustle) income will be tithed.
Php 60,000 emergency fund. This is the main goal for 2019. I’ve failed this countless times and I don’t want to fail at it again this year. For January, I was able to maintain the emergency fund and added the usual 10% of my monthly paycheck plus a couple of cash I saved. 21% progress! Sweet.
Monthly Transpo and Food <4400. Again, I failed the goal of staying below Php 4,400 for my both my transportation and food allowance. I spent a lot buying the Harry Potter Complete Set during the Big Bad Wolf Books Fair. You can read my full story about it here.
Maintain a Working Opportunity Fund. The Opportunity Fund is composed of every side hustle I do. I finally cashed out my Google Adsense Payout which is Php 7,940 in total (converted). I transferred the Php 7,000 and added a Php 5,000 from the paid sponsored post I did. In total my working opportunity fund is now at Php 12,000!
Monthly Phone Bill <1500. Another failed goal for February 2019. Again, my constant browsing using my data on Facebook and Instagram and YouTube is causing me money. My plan is Php 999 but I am paying almost double the amount. I can’t wait for August to happen so I can finally cut my plan or possibly downgrade.
Invest Php 48,000. For 2019 I plan to successfully maintain 30% saving rate every single month. I skipped some months last year and so this year, the goal is to not skip a month ever. To better track this I decided to just write down the amount I plan to invest with is 20%. The other 10% is saved on emergency fund anyways so you already have idea on my progress from above. So far I am on track with this goal. I invested a total of Php 8,000.
Blog Goals
Create a better “Archive” for the Blog. As mentioned earlier I was able to publish a new archive page for SavingsPinay. But, I still have more things to do. Another archiving I wanted to do as a project this year is the “per topic” which was suggested during my 2018 Reader Survey. I am also including my other blog, IzzaGlinoFull, for this goal and I have yet started doing any progress on the said site.
$500 Adsense Income. Such a huge drop on the blog income for February 2019. $18.21! This is the lowest I’ve earned since last year when I started hitting the $20/month mark. It makes me sad but I do understand that I kinda became absent in blogging for the month of February.
Double My Total Published Content. Sorry for being missing in action for February 2019 and was only able to post two. I am trying my best to cope up with the demand of my new role in the company.
Personal Goals
Read 30 books. Although I only finished two books for February 2019, I am still ahead of schedule in finishing 30 books for this year. In total I was able to read and finish five books already.
Hike again. Finally had a planned hike in March 2019! My highschool friends invited me for a twin day hike at Mt. Manalmon and Mt. Gola and I am oh so excited to go. It’s my first hike since 2017!
February 2019 Net Worth Update
Something that you will notice in my net worth update is that I separated my mutual fund accounts. I am currently invested in an Equity Fund and an Index Fund so I thought it would be nice to see them grow separately.
For the Investments what you are seeing are the net meaning the money I have invested so far. For the current market value as of March 5, 2019 here are the figures:
Stocks – ₱41,534.79
Equity Fund – ₱44,870.92
Index Fund – ₱25,664.70
For now aside from Equity Fund, the rest of my investments are down or in other words at paper loss. The market closed at 7,700 which is lower compared to last month.
Next Month’s Plans
In lieu of the Bosu Ball for working out, I spent my money buying books. Next month I do have an event coordination which means a definite additional money for my Extra Income Fund.
Final Notes from SavingsPinay
What a month in has been for February. I hope you are okay with the new format of this monthly recaps. Let me know in the comment section below.
How’s your finances in February 2019?