Last Updated on December 7, 2021 by
Today we will talk about how to be financially at peace in your 30s, 40s, and 50s.
When I did my very first Reader Survey , the results revealed that the primary age bracket of SavingsPinay Readers are in between 25-55.
I remember how surprised I was back then. I felt a lot of pressure because I knew those who were reading SavingsPinay have the age, experience, and advantage that I cannot contest.
Content here in SavingsPinay are mostly for people in their 20s just because I am at that age bracket.
I may have zero knowledge on what life is when you are in your 30s, 40s and/or 50s but what I definitely believe is that “Money matters affects us no matter what age we belong with". It is a primary reason of our stress in life.
We can all feel mentally, emotionally, physically and socially depressed because of money.
So, no matter what age you belong, this blog post will empower you to reach the financial peace and security that you long for.
Here’s my list of best money moves so you can be financially at peace in your 30s, 40s and 50s.
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First, conduct a financial review!
Before you move on to reading the rest of this post, I want you to write down first all of your financial issues.
Take the next 10 to 15 minutes and list the things that make you stressed. The very items that continually absorb all your energy because you just can’t stop thinking about them.
All that concerns your finances.
Your list will most likely include the following:
1. Personal Debt. Utang sa kamag-anak, kakilala at sa Five-Six at sa kung kani kanino pa.
2. Credit Card Debt. There will be monthly envelope from the bank informing you of how much you owe and the consequences of your inability to pay.
3. Car loans, House Loans, Insurance and the like. Monthly fees you owe out of investing in something that you really wanted.
4. Kid’s Future. From the allowance, tuition fee and miscellaneous fees.
5. Zero Savings. All the money that you’ve worked hard for over the past is now gone.
6. Casual arguments over money with your spouse. When a couple argues about money, it is sad and depressing not just for the couple but for those people surrounding them.
7. Meralco, PLDT, Nawasa and the like. The inevitable monthly bills you sadly miss to pay.
And the list goes on and on.
Now that you have identified your financial issues you are now ready to take the next action. In every financial issue that you are experiencing think of the actionable items you can do in order to cross out the matter.
Financial Next Actions
Before I move on to action plan for every decade of your life, allow me to share a general next action plan in terms of our finances.
If you wrote down issues that you feel unresolvable, the next action plans below may be helpful:
Negotiate with your creditor
Talk to the person/s that you have personal debt with and negotiate with them. Try to talk with them sincerely on why you can’t pay for now. Explain your side and together come up with a date that will be agreeable for both parties. Make sure to have a written contract even just the back of a simple paper.
Prioritize debts that have the highest interest rate
Once the pay check arrived make sure to set an amount for your credit card debts. Cut the credit card in half or just literally freeze it on the fridge so that you won’t enable yourself to spend more.
Slowly build your savings
Try to save even just a little so that you will have extra money for emergency purposes.
Automate the things that you could automate
I applied for online banking both to my personal bank account and my payroll account. I used the online banking feature to automate my payments. My mutual fund investment is being paid on a monthly basis through online banking.
Manage your utility bills
Every time the bills arrives, secure an amount to pay them. You can also try to do money saving techniques like water conservation as well as managing your electrical consumption.
Be insured
Though insurance depends highly on age, you are never too old to be secured. Talk to your financial advisor and learn more about life insurance and how this could maximize your potential in life. Both my parents applied for St. Peter Plan in their 50s and now they are done paying. They even got a columbarium plan because they don’t want us to feel stressed in terms of bills should something happen to them.
Make it a habit to examine/review your finances
How much is your asset and compare it to the total of your liabilities. Make sure that you also assess your goals and plans in life. A good 10-15 minutes a day is not bad to just meditate over your money issues and resolve them by thinking of the next best action to do.
Do not try solving the money problem alone
If you have your spouse then talk to him/her. It is the right of your partner to know what you’re dealing with. Should you tell your kids?! Well, growing up my parents never ever gave us the impression that they are having difficulty in terms of finances. We, as siblings, were always the last to know. But now that all of us were grown up already (except the youngest) we wanted to change that culture in the family.
The main thing is that “dapat may nahihingahan ka”. You need someone to advise you on what to do. You need emotional and physical reassurance that everything will be ok in God’s time.
Money To-Dos in Your 30s, 40s and 50s
Now let’s jump on the nitty gritty details of this post. I will be sharing with you specific money to-dos so you can finally be at peace in your 30s, 40s and 50s.
Let’s begin.
In your 30s
30s should be a wake up call in terms of your finances. This is a period to correct past mistakes, to make more advanced financial decisions, and to plan for bigger familial responsibilities.
In your 30s, salary should be way better that the past decade but your lifestyle should be always on check. Not because you have a bigger paycheck does it mean you’ll spend unintentionally.
- Clear yourself with debt that are not related to mortgage. These includes credit card payments, personal loans, etc.
- Evaluate your emergency fund. Make sure that it is aligned with at least 3 to 6 months of your current monthly expenses. Should a sudden shift on your finances happen, would your emergency fund be enough?
- Start saving up for a place on your own and/or a property investment. Take advantage of your singleness to work on your first property investment. You may choose to live it or rent it to others so you can generate future rental income.
- Invest more. If you weren’t investing in your 20s then it’s crucial time to start investing now! You want to make sure you have proper allocation with your assets and let them grow before you move in to the new decade
- For those married with kids, it’s time prepare for your child’s education. Remember The earlier you start, the more time your interest has to compound and the more options you have for long-term savings. Research for high-yield savings account you can try or investment vehicles with competitive yields you can invest with.
In your 40s
40s is where financial things get real. It's a period focused more on preparing for retirement and saving as much money as you can.
In your 40s, your salary should increase drastically and so is your position at work (if you’re working). This is also a period where your kids starts to either enter college or graduate from college. Thus, the preparation you made years ago will finally come into fruition.
- Be familiar with your work benefits. And learn to maximize what your company is providing you with. Familiarize yourself with the medical and life insurance benefits as well as the loyalty bonuses in place.
- Grow your net worth. Continuously work on your net worth especially now that some of your kids (if any) are already surviving on their own. Have money invested in a low risk but better return funds that will help you maximize your savings.
- Talk money with your parents. Most Filipino adults end up providing financial support for their parents. In your 40s it’s most likely that you parents are close to retiring, or already retired. Find a way to get to that “money talk” and get clear as to what will happen in the future. Are they planning to sell the house you thought you (and/or your siblings) will inherit?
- Continue contributing to your retirement fund. Make sure that you are saving money diligently during this period.
In your 50s
50s is a period where you are finally looking forward to the glory days of retirement. You may feel the pressure and panic of coming this far on your overall financial plan.
In your 50s, make sure that you prioritize your greatest asset — YOU! Regularly do health check ups and evaluate your health and life insurance if it can cover your age and current needs.
- Get a will. Estate planning is an important consideration when you are working in your finances in your 50s. You have to put into writing how you’d like you wealth to be handled in case you are unable to make decisions for yourself. You can research online of templates for a will and testament and have it notarized.
- Be real with your retirement plans. As you move closer and closer to the ideal retirement age it’s time to get real with your plans. How much money have you saved and invested so far? Is it enough to cover your lifestyle as you retire?
Final Notes from SavingsPinay
Your age is your greatest advantage.
It is never too late to make financial plans in life.
Be at peace by identifying first and foremost what the issues are and creating the next action plan. I remember a quote I once heard during my high school years, “Peace is not the absence of war but the presence of God”. There will be issues and problems along the way but always have firm grip with your soul.
Know that God’s wants us to prosper in life.
Thank you for reading this post.
What age are you now? Do you have any financial regrets?
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