Last Updated on July 20, 2015 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH
Is it still normal that at my age of 21 I am working my butt off on my day job and other rakets because I am so much into financial stability before I hit 30?
In MyLife, My Job, My Passion and 6 Things that Helped Me Succeed, I revealed how young I was when I started earning money. It led me to become really into money management. I will go to bookstores and spend my entire time in the business and investment section. This stock up knowledge really made me better in how I handle my finances.
My journey to financial stability at 20 may be too ambitious for some. My parents, for example will remind me that I have to enjoy my life and not put too much pressure. On the other hand, I will hear comments from others who see me as “one-of-a-kind,” I know that there are MORE people out there who are growing their finances way earlier and way younger than I did but I still appreciate the positive things that other people see about me.
The younger you are to prioritize your finances, the better your life will be in the future. It is important to establish a great financial foundation so you can enjoy your retirement age better.
Today I bring to ways on How to Achieve Financial Stability in Your 20’s dedicated to those who are longing for the right action to take in order to secure the future better. Your 20’s is a great time to really learn the ins and outs of financial management. You have less responsibility, you are much willing to take risks and you have a big room for improvements. As always, my mission is to encourage you to take advantage of your age because you are never too young or too old to accomplish a goal.
1. Be Focused in Your Career
Just last week I published a post entitled, Three Financial Life Stages. If you put your career as a priority and really show that you are an asset then there is a big chance that you will have steady income and continue to get raises. Before you bombard your mind and your heart with , relationship goals, why not try to build your personal and financial goals first. Develop skills that could make you better in the job get along with your co-workers and be willing to stay late just to finish the task.
2. Try Hard Not to be in Debt
Don’t ever dare to be in debt. Stay away from debt by budgeting and allocating your money properly. Pay the high-interest debt first like your credit cards and then move to those debts with low-interest. Getting rid of your debts will help you save more because what’s coming to your kaban are only the good money. You will also find it hard to apply for a loan if your credit scores are negative.
3. Commit to Your Budget
Budgeting is a vital foundation to achieve financial freedom. If you know how to budget you will have a better control on what comes in and goes out of your account. Try to start small by tracking your expenses on weekly basis and then doing it on a monthly basis next. If ever you accidentally overspend, be sure to learn your lesson and not commit the same mistake again. More budgeting lessons HERE.
4. Live Within Your Means
I will be honest that I have days when I just feel like spending my money on whatever I want. But most of the time I strive to live within my means. I commit to my budget and don’t allow anything or anyone to cause me to overspend. It will be very hard in the start but as soon as you make a habit to put your finances as your priority, things will be way easier.
5. Save, save and save
Apply the magic formula of Income – Expenses = Savings as soon as you get your pay check. Learn to start saving an amount that you can use for emergency purposes. You can reread my Three Envelops of Your New Life post and set aside money for each fund as part of your savings. Saving is not about being selfish but it is making a choice to set yourself for a higher goal in life.
6. Choose to be a Better Version of Yourself
With the advancement in technology it is so easy to learn new things and gain new ideas. Become very aggressive to learn more about your skills and talents. Choose to be a better version of yourself on a day-to-day basis. I am very honored to acquire this passion in content writing that led me to start this blog and let me improve how I write. I also try my best to find new hobbies like playing Ukulele, doing makeup for others and more.
7. Don’t be Afraid to Invest Your Money
Since you are young, you surely have less responsibilities that those in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s. Maximize your age by getting a lot of facts and information about investment. Your money won’t grow on banks alone, more so putting your hard-earned cash in an alkansiya. Find financial advisers that could teach you the best way to maximize your investments.
You are in your 20’s. Sure, there’s nothing to rush, however it will be very nice if you start building a strong foundation for your future. I hope that the above post helped you and made you feel better in how you should be living your youth.
I wonder how many 20-somethings I have as my readers. If ever you arrive at the last part of this article make sure to comment below your age!!! I will then check on your profile, send your email and if you also blog… I will sure to follow you and add you on my reading list.
Be better in your finances. Save Now, Invest Now and walk your way to success. Sign up in my Email List and receive templates to get you started in your Financial Wealth. Follow me on Facebook and Twitter for better updates. Godbless.