Last Updated on December 7, 2021 by
Becoming a freelance content writer in the Philippines, is a good example of a work at home job anyone can easily start.
I started content writing for others online back when I was still in college and it did helped me make extra income on the side.
I will say yes to any freelance writing gigs that come on my way. I spent hours searching for a job, sending my proposal and waiting for an online interview to happen. I was so happy to see my Paypal account with $$$.
Writing for topics I enjoy and getting paid for it feels great.
Since becoming a freelance content writer, I was able to make extra money to support my financial goals, have better control over my finances and save and invest most of money.
If you have passion in writing too but don’t know how to start your freelance content writing career then this post is for you.
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How I Started As A Freelance Content Writer in the Philippines
Even at a young age I knew that writing is what I wanted to do in life. I was part of the campus newspaper during elementary and high school and even decided to take up BS Journalism in college.
There is something about writing content that gives me happiness and inspiration in life.
My first real job was as a marketing staff in a milk tea company in Pasay City. I created posts on social media and words for marketing materials such as brochures, fliers and even website.
Then I left the job to become an SEO Content Writer. This time I was closer to my dream of becoming a professional online writer. I wrote contents for various websites such as About Page, Guarantee Page, Service Page and more. I have also written keyword based articles that aims to encourage visitors of the website to turn as potential customers.
I had a quota of writing 2,800 words A DAY! And I have to proofread myself as well!
Content writing has basically been my entire career. I blog and I do freelance work though my main job currently is writing system documents already. It was tough at first but the everyday practice made me better.
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What Does a Freelance Content Writer Do?
I get asked most of the time about what freelance content writers actually do. And so here’s a brief overview.
Most businesses and even individuals will hire a freelance content writer to write for them. As a freelance content writer your goal is to deliver quality content to your clients. You will be tasked to write blog posts, key-word based articles, web pages and even social media posts.
And because you are doing it freelance, you can actually work for a number of different clients at one time. You choose your own working hours and you get paid by your own rules. Each writing you do should pass the standards of your employer – an original, well-written and ready to publish post that is timely delivered!
Different services you can offer as a freelance content writer:
- Blogger for hire/ Contributor
- Ghostwriter
- Staff writer for bigger online publications
- Technical writer
- Resume writer
- Service Page writer
- SEO article writer
The Skills You Need as a Freelance Content Writer
You need to be well-rounded as a content writer so remember to develop your skills more often. The skills you have will separate you from the rest of aspiring freelance content writers. Below are the top skills a writer should possess:
1. Writing skills
Good writing skills is one of most important skills you need to posses as a freelance content writer in the Philippines. You need to be able to write effectively, it must be concise and easy to understand. Your clients will hire you for the quality of your output and whether your writing style is good enough.
2. Research skills
You need a ton of research skills to provide in depth information on the topic given to you as a freelance content writer. If you are able to research well and deeply, you will definitely create a better article – something that has more meaning and value for others.
3. Computer skills
Excellent computer skills means you can easily navigate on different applications and platforms available on your computer. This is a plus point because it makes writing online easier and faster. Knowledge on Microsoft Office, Spreadsheets and even producing graphics for each article can be your advantage to other freelance content writers.
4. Content Management Skills
Expertise in content management systems such as WordPress and SquareSpace is very useful in landing freelance writing gigs online. Clients will want someone who can do everything from start to finish, which means being able to publish content on the fly.
5. Negotiation Skills
Working on your own would mean your working hours is actually divided into two parts – actual writing and hard selling your services! This is where good negotiation comes in. Knowing how to talk and engage to clients will enable you to land more gigs than before. You also need to learn how to negotiate for your price as freelance content writer.
6. Time Management Skills
The ultimate skill that will help you finish your tasks as a writer without stressing too much. Productivity is key in the freelance world because you are constantly beating deadline. You need to find a way to write well even in a limited number of hours a day.
How Much Money Can You Make as a Freelance Content Writer in the Philippines
How much money you can earn doing writing content online will depends on A LOT of factors actually.
First, you need to assess whether your writing skills is already bankable.
Are you that good in writing content online? Do you have previous experience already? Have you established the right portfolio yet?
Those who are beginners in content writing can charge $3 – $5 per 500-word article to begin with. You can increase this per word rate as you get more projects.
If you specialize in a specific type of work say, writing process manual, you can actually give a rate of 10x higher! This is because you will not just get paid based on your writing but also for your expertise as well.
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The highest I’ve earned through out my freelance content writing career is $100 for 1500 word article. And I was able to provide 6 published articles to the client.
When converted to pesos I earned almost 30,000 pesos writing stuff online! It was a surreal experience for me to be honest.
On the average your rate will certainly depend on the following factors:
1. Type of service you offer – are you writing an article online? A thesis? An educational material? Or are you editing and proofreading a written content?
2. Will you charge per hour or per project? Personally, I find per project as an easier payment method to book clients.
3. How long have you been in the business. The longer you are, the more experience and written portfolio you gain. This is enough to charge a little higher than usual.
There is actually no right or wrong when it comes to pricing your services as a freelance content writer in the Philippines. But of course take note of the obvious consequences.
If you charge too low, you will book more clients but it would also mean more time writing on your side. If you charge too high, you might shoo clients away. So please be reasonable with your rate.
I currently charge one client $25 per 1000-word article. I know it is too low than what I have earned from a previous client but since this gig will run for the next 3 months and I only have to submit 2 articles a week I said yes.
My goal in saying yes to client is steady extra income even with fewer articles to write so I can have more time pursuing my other project income.
[clickToTweet tweet=”Steady extra income + Fewer articles to writer = More time to blog and doing other project income.” quote=”Steady extra income + Fewer articles to writer = More time to blog and doing other project income.”]
Where To Get Freelance Content Writing Gigs?
I think by this time you are more excited to become a freelance content writer in the Philippines. That’s good. Freelance content writing is a popular job for those finding means to earn extra income even at home.
There are a ton of websites where you can get your first content writing gigs. I personally tried and tested Craigslist multiple times and I have booked some of the best writing jobs there.
Another website I’ve succeeded with is Upwork. I prefer to write on Upwork every once in awhile because the payment goes straight to my Paypal account. This is important for me because I don’t have a credit card and sometimes I have to purchase something online.
If you really are a good writer with good good grammar and research skills I suggest applying in iPresence Business Solutions. I became a writer for them for three months and you will really feel the support of the online team on your growth as a content writer. I manage to produce different writing portfolios with them. The follow a strong work ethic and writing workflow which will help you a lot.
Another good local job board for online writers is With Raket you can create your own portfolio and get easily found by clients. is founded and headed by a top Filipino personal finance blogger, Sir Fitz Villafuerte of Ready To Be Rich, this is a good site for beginners. You will create your own job board and each job shall be 199 pesos. If you have added services you can charge higher.
But recently I found the best way to get freelance content writing gigs is through a blog. If you are already a blogger you can easily create a “Hire Me” page so potential clients can find you. If you don’t have a blog yet then I encourage to start one today! Your blog can be used as your portfolio to land gigs as a freelance content writer.
75% of the writing gigs I get online came thanks to my blog. I will get an email inquiry straight to my inbox asking if I accommodate a writing job and what’s my best price and availability.
The gig I mentioned where I earned $100 for 1500-word article was for an airline and hotel booking website that once got me for a sponsored post. They like the sponsored post I created and asked if I can write article for their blog.
Without SavingsPinay, I don’t think I will land that high-paying writing job.
Tips on How To Become a Freelance Content Writer in the Philippines
I discovered freelance writing way back 2012 and it is one of the most profitable side hustle idea ever! Here are way and tips you can become a freelance content writer and get paid extra money!
1. Create a blog or website
I highly recommend starting a blog of your own simply it is the best, cheapest and easiest way you can market your writing. If you have your own blog, clients looking for freelance content writer for hire can easily grasp your writing style.
This makes the hiring process easier t and getting the job faster on your side. Use your blog to attract potential clients and companies to work with you.
I can teach you how to start a blog. Please read my post, Your 2017 Guide on How To Start a Blog. In the next 20-30 minutes you will have a blog of your own already. Plus, I shared my greatest tip for newbie bloggers too.
2. Decide on Your Service Offering
The best thing about freelance content writing is the fact that you can easily offer different services. Soon I will disclose a whole list of writing services you can do as a freelance content writer.
For those who are just starting out I suggest to start with what you know instead of trying every niche and services there is. If you enjoy writing beauty and lifestyle posts then keep your service offering centered on that niche.
Other possible niche you can write includes : travel, fashion, kpop, personal finance and wedding ideas.
If you are torn between too many topic ideas what I can recommend is focus instead on 2-3 services. Based on experience, those who have writing specialization have more chances to get hired than those who market themselves as an all-around content writer.
3. Build Your Portfolio
Spend time building your portfolio as a freelance content writer in the Philippines. How?
To start with you can also guest post on blogs and websites within your chosen niche. Write quality sample articles and make it your goal to at least have one published guest post a week.
Guest posting will help build your reputation in the freelance writing community. The published articles will serve as your badge of honor when you apply to other writing gigs. Plus, when you guest post you are simply getting your name out there and get noticed!
Related: Blogging Goals for 2017
4. Join Freelancing Communities or Writing Groups
Freelancing Communities and Facebook Groups are actually good hubs to find paid writing gigs. Join as many niche community you can and surround yourself with other individuals who have the same passion as you have.
Exposing yourself to freelance communities is an awesome way to network and market your work. There are a lot of potential clients who would go to groups and pages on Facebook to hire a freelancer, so don’t miss out the chance.
5. Create a resume that works
Most writing jobs will require you to submit a resume for identification. This is something you need to be prepared for beforehand. Make sure your resume shows your writing experience and mention the top qualities every freelance content writer posses.
6. Sell Your Service
Once you have a blog and have built your portfolio well, you can now sell your services to your potential customers. Here are some ways you can market yourself as a freelance content writer:
- Search for writing assignments, freelance writing jobs, and let your services be known to your friends and family
- Send your proposal to different companies, blogs and magazines via email. This could be in a simple email stating who you are, what you do and the links to your sample write-ups.
- Apply on online job boards. Try and try until you get the freelance writing gig you really like.
SIDE STORY: I became a partner blogger of – Philippines #1 domain registrar by approaching them after I attended Pangalan’s Affiliate Night. I got up my courage to share to the marketing team that I am willing to write for the website. In return, Pangalan revamped SavingsPinay and it is what you see today. They helped me launch the website of my dream for free.
So you can actually get opportunities by asking and approaching your target clients. Don’t worry of rejection because I am telling you, the world of freelance content writing is full of rejections. Just treat every “no” as a way of God, leading you to better projects.
7. Learn From Each Writing Experience
The journey to freelance world is full of lessons. You will learn on a daily basis because of the research you do and the different topics and clients you will encounter. Make sure that you learn from each writing experience. Develop your writing skills by acquiring more projects and clients.
Read a lot of books and blogs in accordance to the writing niche you chose and learn the ways of the successful people. Learn a lot on how the business of freelance writing works from sending invoice, pricing your articles to how contracts should be done.
A book that I recommend for you to read is Elizabeth Ong’s So You Want To Be a Freelance Writer? This book literally ignited my passion in becoming a freelance content writer.
Final Notes from SavingsPinay
Today I’ve been offering my service as a freelance content writer for hire while working full-time. This isn’t easy since I maintain two active blogs at the moment. But, through proper time management I am able to manage everything.
Anyone, including YOU can become a freelance content writer as long as you have have the passion for it! Your success as a freelance content writer depends solely on the time and effort you spend. If you are hard working enough and really put your heart and soul for the job then you will be sure to be a success.
Success in freelance content writing doesn’t happen overnight. You need to be very intentional if you really want to earn thousands of extra income with what you do. Continue learning new skills, new tools and new writing styles that will make you original.
Key takeaways from this post:
1.Becoming a freelance content writer in the Philippines, is a good example of a work at home job anyone can easily start.
2. Becoming a freelance content writer can help you make extra money to support your financial goals, enable you to have better control over your finances and let you save and invest more money.
3. There are several services you can offer as a freelance content writer:
4. Upwork, Craigslist, are some websites and job boards where you can get online writing gigs:
5. Step-by-Step procedure to become a freelance content writer in the Philippines:
- Create a blog or website
- Decide on your service offering
- Build your portfolio
- Join freelancing communities or writing groups
- Create a resume that works
- Sell your services
- Learn from each writing experience
I hope this post helped you.
Do you want to start a side hustle as a freelance content writer?
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