Last Updated on December 13, 2021 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH
Hi and welcome to my June 2017 recap and extra income report while working full-time!
Every month I publish an in-depth report of my net-worth and extra income projects. I personally love reading income reports and I hope by doing this I inspire others to start side hustling too.
June has been the busiest month for me in terms of making extra income while working in a 9-to-5 job. From opening the SavingsPinay Resource Library to back-to-back hosting gigs on Izza Glino Weddings and Events — I am one proud hustler here.
But first I want to give a few background on why I’m publishing my recap and extra income report monthly. Last April, I decided to tweak how I publish my recap and incorporate my overall net-worth, highlights of each extra income projects I have and my goals for the following month.
I do this mainly because of two reasons:
- To help myself stay on track with my finances and stay accountable to my goals and actions.
- To encourage you and the others who are reading this post to pursue their passion and hustle their way to success.
Now for June, I am tweaking how I do this recap and extra income reports and made it simpler, easier-to-read and easier-to-understand. Please let me know in the comment section your thoughts and suggestions so I can implement them over the succeeding recaps.
My Extra Income Projects
I started making extra income in 2013 as a professional wedding and event emcee for all occasion. From then on I searched for other ways I can earn on the side. Below are my side hustles:
Blogging – I manage two active blogs., a personal finance blog and, a beauty and lifestyle blog.
YouTube – I have a YouTube channel which I wish you can check out and subscribe. I do beauty, bullet journal, personal finance and life videos.
Freelance Content Writing Service – I offer my service as a part-time freelance content writer. My niche includes general finance, personal development, blogging and web pages.
Weddings and Events – I recently launched Izza Glino Weddings and Events Business, a full weddings and events production based in Taguig, Philippines.
Also towards the end of this post I am sharing how these extra income projects affected my net-worth for June 2017. Lastly, I will share to you how I achieve my goals under personal development like reading, growing as a person and more.
Let’s begin with the breakdown.
As mentioned before my main goal for 2017 is generate actual income on my blogs. Below are the highlights or progress I made on SavingsPinay and IzzaGlinoFull for this month,
- The SavingsPinay Resource Library is now open! After months of delay I finally had the chance to work on the resource library and opened it to the public. Included on my first batch of freebies/downloadable are:
- The 50-20-30 Budget Rule Template, 10 Most Important Lessons in personal Finance (Infographic) and The Mid-Year Financial Review Workbook.
- I worked really hard for each freebie so it would be very nice if you can sign up on my mailing list and join the community.
- Aside from the exclusive access, I also send out surprise email containing info and updates that I only share for the members. My first newsletter includes how my first three months investing in direct stock market went. And the response has been amazing.
- I was surprised with the massive increase on the pageviews. Last month I didn’t hit my pageviews goal for SavingsPinay but for June I was blow away with the sudden boost. My post Your 2017 Guide on How To Start A Blog was pinned 100 times on Pinterest and If You Are Living On One Income, You’re Doing It Wrong post got stumbled for 51 times.
- I created an exclusive Facebook Group for Pinay Beauty and Lifestyle Bloggers! I manage the group along with Maj of MakeupinManila. This is my attempt to finally network with other bloggers on the niche of beauty and lifestyle. If you are a blogger within the same topic you are free to join the exclusive group.
- I posted only five new posts on SavingsPinay this June 2017. This is pretty low and a major fail on my goal to publish at least 10 times a month. Here are my regular posts on SavingsPinay:
The 50-20-30 Budget Rule and How It’ll Save Your Finances!
Cropital, PhilCrowd and FarmOn : Best Alternative Investment Philippines
Weekly Notes #9 | The Best of Personal Finance Tips and Must Reads
Mid-Year Financial Review for 2017 | SavingsPinay
May 2017 Recap and Extra Income Report while Working Full-Time
- I did a Mid-Year Financial Review and came up with the following next action list to finish the year strong. I am doing my very best to achieve each on time.
- Get at least a month ahead in my blog posts
- Push/Bounce all traffic to
- Build the SavingsPinay email-list
- Create my first digital product to sell
- Grow Izza Glino Weddings and Events
- I am also active on The SavingsPinay Community on Facebook. I created the group as an extension for the discussion here on the blog. There you can post your questions, share your financial dilemma and get support from the other members and me as well.
- Pinterest is also a great source of blog traffic for SavingsPinay. Although I still have to work on creating a better and more cohesive Pinterest board I am still glad that people are finding me already.
- I got a chance to collab with BeautyMNL for and below is a haul video of the products I bought from the said site:
Launching the SavingsPinay Resource Library is such a big achievement for me this June. I am excited for how the coming months will be. I am looking forward in creating the best freebies and downloadables easily accessible to the SavingsPinay Community. You can join here.
Now you may wonder how I make extra income blogging. In the beginning I didn’t really plan to make money out of my blog. It seem so impossible to me. Then last year when I started to invest more time, money and effort on the blog opportunities opened. I realized I can really make extra income with it.
And so here’s a quick breakdown on how I do it:
1. Adsense
If you look on the sidebar of this blog you’ll find some ad placements. I earn through impressions and clicks those ad placements generate.
2. Sponsored Post
Sometimes I get an opportunity to write for a company which is in line with what I blog and what you, my audience, likes to read. This holds a big chunk of my earnings in blogging for the past four years. On my 2015 Extra Income Report, I haven’t declared any earnings from sponsored posts because I only got a chance to work with brands/companies come 2016. If you want to learn more about sponsored post opportunity on this blog, shoot me a message on
3. Affiliates
I make money by joining affiliate programs in the Philippines. Below are the companies and programs I am affiliated with:
- Pangalan (read more on my How to Start a Blog post). You can buy domain or hosting plans through Pangalan with my link. As of this writing their .com domain is on sale. You can have your own .com blog for only 390pesos!
- TravelBook (read more on my How to Earn as a TravelBook Affiliate post) I became an affiliate with TravelBook since August last year when they held a blogging contest which I fortunately won. If you want to book hotel or accommodation on your next trip then try to check TravelBook. They have tons of partnered hotels all over the Philippines and some even give huge discounts. Click here.
- Lazada (read more on my How to Make Money with Lazada post). I recommend makeup or skincare products I use and include an affiliate link on my other blog, IzzaGlinoFull. Here on SavingsPinay I share books I read and other resource materials with their unique affiliate link. Make sure to check out some items on sale on Lazada.
Blog Income and Traffic for June 2017
I run two active blogs at the moment.
IzzaGlinoFull, a beauty and lifestyle blog for frugal Pinays and
SavingsPinay, a financial journey of a common Pinay
I follow a different content and marketing strategy for each blog. IzzaGlinoFull is more of a personal space for me where I can share my obsession with makeup and skincare, bullet journal, reading books and more.
SavingsPinay, on the other hand, is more of a resource page or niche website. I try to create more valuable posts that is in line to what my audience wants to read. I focus mainly on budgeting, saving, investing, productivity and making extra income.
For June 2017 Recap and Extra Income Report on the blog I earned the following:
- Adsense – $10.78 or 544.82php
- Sponsored Post – 1000.00php shopping credit from BeautyMNL
- Affiliates – 0.00php
Adsense earning dropped for June and I blame it on the lack of posts. Still I reached my target earning of at least $10 monthly. Affiliate income is a real struggle for me. I don’t know how I can generate actual income in this area. For Sponsored Post I’m thankful that BeautyMNL collaborated with me.
I also have a plan to sent email pitch to brands I adore and will implement this on the first two weeks of July. I basically wrote down the companies I want to work with, either through a sponsored post or possible freelance writing gig.
Traffic-wise it is a great month for both SavingsPinay and IzzaGlinoFull. Both blogs increased when it comes to pageviews compared the previous month.

I finally had the chance to update my YouTube channel with a new video. Talking in front of a camera is one of my favorite passion project ever and I feel accomplished every time I have the chance to upload new content.
For income update, I currently have $6.02 on my account which is below my $25 threshold. Hopefully I get my second YouTube payout before the year ends. So far my plan is still intact:
- Delete low performing videos to give way to high performing ones.
- Upload more videos and follow a consistent upload schedule. My plan is to have a new video on my channel every Mondays and Thursdays.
- Create value on the content I upload. I should focus on creating videos that will others as well.
With that being said and done I hope you can check my channel and subscribe as well.
It was my busiest month for Izza Glino Weddings and Events. I had the opportunity to host the recently concluded Bloggers United 13 and got booked for a wedding gig too. I really, really need to focus on IzzaGevents more considering the amount of extra income it gave to me this June.
I have ton of open projects that I need to work on. Although the website is already running, it is missing the right pages and content to call it a business website. Also, I have yet to publish my first ever Facebook Ad and OLX campaign.
My eldest sister Ellie is helping me manage Izza Glino Weddings and Events as Co-Owner and Head of Creatives. As you may know she did all the marketing materials for IzzaGevents like calling card (concept and design), letterhead for future business letters and contracts as well as social media icons. I believe her inclusion will make the business run better. You can DM her on Instagram @ellizoid.creates or email her at for any creative needs. Soon her website will launch too!
Another way I make extra income while working full-time is through freelance content writing. I work for companies and other bloggers (mostly foreign) on any content need as long as within my niche.
This is something you can earn extra income at home without investment and I love it.
This is my second month writing for, a web publishing platform and part of Japan’s number one internet group GMO. For June my topics are all about e-commerce and you can read one of my published article here:
For July I am planning on finding any new companies or businesses I can work with. I am thinking of doing my own account in as well as the recurring task of updating my Upwork account. Still I don’t want my part-time freelance writing services to jeopardize my day job.
I am happy to help businesses and other bloggers grow through content marketing. If you need my services don’t hesitate to email me at
Now to end this post I will be sharing my net-worth for June 2017. Just like my last recap and extra income report I am including actual figures already. But, I am making a simple spreadsheet this time to easily track down my progress.
Here are my June 2017 recap and extra income report breakdown:
- I didn’t include cash on hand since most of them are my budget for the coming work week.
- What made the huge difference on my net worth for June is the extra income I gained from hosting and freelance writing. No blog and YouTube income reflected yet since I still haven’t surpassed my threshold.
- Both Receivable #1 and #2 are money owed to me.
- Other Assets are combined value of items I own that has market value like aircon (I won on a raffle), LCD projector and gadgets like Ipad Mini and previous HP laptop.
- Both my direct stock investment and mutual fund investment is giving me positive financial cash flow. I started in direct stocks last March 2017 and I opened my equity mutual fund in January 2014.
- I also didn’t write down my life plan at St. Peter as part of my assets since it is considered as a pre-need plan.
- Finally I’m done paying my credit for the shopping I did last time for work outfits. I plan not to have any debt anymore for the rest of the year.
- For the Canon EOS M3, I still owe 10,758php. I am paying 2,200php every month until November this year.
- Overall, I am happy with how my net worth grew for June 2017.
Final Notes from SavingsPinay
One book I read in June that increased my financial knowledge is the back-to-back I Wish They Taught Money in High School So I’m Not Dependent on My Paycheck and I Wish They Taught Money in High School So I Can Start My Own Business Right Away by Clarissa Seriña-De La Paz and Sharon Que. I got the book for free during the Start Up PH event and I read it right away. I will definitely feature the book and talk more about it on a favorite post soon.
I hope you enjoyed June 2017 Recap and Extra Income Report. I plan to do this every first Monday of the month in time when I do my budget review. By the way, I am still working full-time on my new job. I have no plans of quitting unless I feel confident enough that my extra income can support me towards financial freedom.
Please go over Goodbye June, Hello July 2017 on my other blog to read all about the events and happenings that took place in my life.
Thank you for reading my post. See you on the next recap and extra income report.
How was June for you? Are you interested to make extra income while working full-time too?
Follow the SavingsPinay FB Group and join the conversation at : SavingsPinay
Follow my official Facebook page at : IzzaGlinoFull
Stalk some behind the scenes in my Instragram: @izzaglino
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Subscribe to my Youtube channel: IzzaGlinoFull
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