Last Updated on December 4, 2014 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH
What do you use to keep track of your finances?
Making a budget, knowing where your money goes and planning your life in general can be a daunting task. You need to keep up with the daily changes and update all of your financial activities.
Back in 2010 when I started earning money the first budgeting type that I used is a notebook. I write down the money I got from hosting a wedding and divide it to my different expenses. But when I received my Ipad Mini I became aware of personal finance apps that could make the chores of budgeting, saving, spending and retirement planning etc. easy and convenient.
For today’s Budget and Saving topic I will list down Free Personal Finance App that you Need to Have in your Android/IOS Phone. Though I still write in a notebook by spending plan, having an app as a form of backup and checking on the go is a must have.
1. Check (Free for iOS and Android)
If you want all your bills, due dates and account details are displayed in one dashboard then this Check app is for you. It is an application that helps you track bills and monitor your bank accounts as well as credit cars. There is even a reminder feature that notifies you if ever you have an account that’s near credit limit or low in value.
- (Free for iOs and Android) Personal Finance app has been one of the most famous and well-applauded budget app. It allows you to track and managed your money in one place and see how much money goes to your spending and how much is left for your saving. You can easily add a bank account, credit card account or even loan. A starter Budget is created based on your spending history and this can make your budget more personalized. All of your bill reminders have alert functionality so that you will be sure to pay on time.
Money Lover (Free for iOs, Android and Window)
A new app that I discovered is the Money Lover. It is a super easy application where in you just easily input you budget of the day or of the month. It has Cloud Sync Solution so that you can view your account anytime, anywhere. The good thing with Money Lover is that you have more than one account so if you are like me who is more of a freelancer this could help a lot with the different income we generate. Security is good for
4.Pocket Expense (Free for iOs)
I personally use Pocket Expense because its easy to understand. I love the fact that I can input multiple accounts and view my daily, weekly, monthly and yearley statistics. The app is also nice for it shows a graph form of both your income and your expenses. You can also set a spending limit so that you know how much money you still have once the budget for the said expenses is gone. Same as the other Personal Finance App, you can track bills, set alerts to remind you of due or overdue bills and helps you create that said payment too.
Personal Finance Apps is the modern-day way to manage your finances. If you find it hard and too much stress to track using pen and paper then maybe one of the mentioned apps above can be of help. Whatever method you use, the bottom line is you need to budget and you need to have a clear goal in wherever your money will go.
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