Last Updated on December 7, 2021 by
Welcome to my May 2020 net worth update!
The reason why I do net worth updates is to stay accountable with my finances.
I publish my real numbers as it is with the mission to continue to bridge the financial literacy gap for Filipinos one content at a time. I hope you enjoy today’s post.
May 2020
Just when I thought I’ll be back to work at site for the last two weeks of May, everything changed. NCR was placed in Modified ECQ which means almost the same as ECQ.
Thus, I spent the month of May primarily working at home.
An update though is that for the time being, we will be working-from-home until announced otherwise. This is regardless whether we are now on the General Community Quarantine.
I am blessed to be in a company that values the safety of it's employees. Just thankful that I get to stay home and not risk myself joining the commuting public.
But part of me is saddened for others’ situation too.
This whole COVID-19 situation is just surreal. Who would have known it will be this long. We are now halfway through the year and yet no sign of vaccine is still seen.
In response, we can only pray and be kind. Truly, we can make our plans but God has His ways to make them happen.
Financially, it was still a good month.
I have been saving a lot of money from commute, lunch allowance, and frequent dinners after work. But, I mentioned over the last two net worth recaps that we made family decisions over the quarantine period for the safety of my parents. This will continue to affect my savings.
Once local flights become available, we are hoping our parents can now go back home to Eastern Samar for good.
This is too much to process for now but we made a pact as siblings to provide an amount that will cover all the necessary financial things our parents have to settle before living in the province for good.
Our target for the big move is July.
I am eternally grateful to have such amazing parents. And I will be happy knowing they can now live comfortably without worrying and without working too hard. I just want them to take a rest and enjoy their retirement years.
Anyway, enough about my parents. For now, I hope you are safe and healthy. The COVID-19 continues to affect us in ways we couldn’t even have imagined.
Just keep the faith strong.
You can go to my personal blog for more inside story of what happened to my life for the month of May.
May 2020 Blog Updates and Highlights
I like to start by thanking everyone who has been following SavingsPinay on Instagram. Thank you for being supportive.
We have reached the 200 followers mark in May which came as a big surprise. Thank you so much.
For May 2020, we’ve published eight (8) blog posts. And in case you missed any of my posts for May 2020, here they are:
Frequently Asked Questions on How to Invest in Stocks
Common Money Mistakes and How to Fix Them
7 Ways You Can Invest in Yourself
S1E3 Expand Your Financial Knowledge
How to Actually Be Good in Money
Why You Should Invest in the Stock Market Even If…
You can still watch my recent videos on the SavingsPinay Facebook Page or IG TV.
May 2020 Blog Income Overview
I am still halfway to my new $100 Google Adsense threshold. I like to continue on increasing the traffic I receive on the blog.
I also got paid to the sponsored post I did last March 2020 so I added that to my Extra Income. Another addition to the extra income this month of is a payment from a soon-to-launch service I will doing as Izza of
Even though this service is still on a pre-launch mode, I already got a paying client! Wow! And just recently I had three inquiries about it. What a progress!
I have more exciting things to launch specifically for the month of June. So please stay tuned!
Make sure you are also listening to The SavingsPinay Podcast. We already have three episodes published.
Listen on Spotify, iTunes or Google Podcast.
May 2020 Goals
I posted my 2020 goals not long ago and something I learned to be very effective in life is the power of measuring your progress.
Excited to share with you how I’ve been moving in terms of my goals for 2020.
Financial Goals
End 2020 with Php 500,000 net worth
In 2019, even though my salary didn’t move at all, I was able to save and invest Php 100,000. This led me to ending in the Php 250,000 mark in 2019.
For 2020, I made an ambitious goal and that is to end with Php 500,000 net worth.
The reason I made that goal is because I am believing for a career breakthrough of promotion this 2020 which already happened! Yes! I got the promotion I prayed and hoped for, for the last three years. Hooray! God is good.
With additional salary, I believe this goal is not too far from reality anymore. Of course, I should still couple it with frugality and intentional spending.
Save Php 60,000 Emergency Fund
This has been a long recurring goal since I started this blog. I have no words. I started investing my money early and I do have good benefits from the company so I became hard headed in this area.
I am still contributing Php 2,000 every month to this and automatically adding the cash benefits I receive such as holiday pay, medical allowance, etc.
Max-out Php 48,000 invested in Funds
I have been investing since I was 19. It was the most daring financial move I did, but one I will never regret.
Definitely thankful I started to make my money work for me early.
Same as last year, the target money I am committing to investments is Php 48,000. My saving and investing rate is still at 30%.
Do Spavings and record it
I first heard about the term Spavings from Budgets Are Sexy.
To put it briefly, spavings is a combination of “spending + saving”. Sometimes we get unexpected discounts or savings from our purchases. With spavings, you are required to save the amount you saved instead of putting it back to spend mode.
Here’s my own explanation post for the topic of Spavings.
Since the enhanced community quarantine happened, it has been hard taking note of my spavings. I did made a post about my unplanned savings due to COVID-19 and might continue tracking with this instead and then subtracting with the sum all the groceries I did for the whole quarantine situation.
The current spavings at the moment is still Php 1440.00
Do the 1% Money Saving Challenge
I’ve blogged about the 1% Money Saving Challenge before and will try to complete this year. I am looking forward to another vacation on my birthday so I’m hoping this could be the very fund for it.
For May 2020, I added Php 1000 for the Travel Fund. 8 more months to go.
Personal Goals
Get a promotion
The completion of this goal is totally out of my control. But I am definitely praying for it to happen soon. DONE, effective February 2020.
Read 20 books
In May 2020, I read and finished another two books. For the last two months I’ve been on track with my 2020 Reading Challenge. I am sharing updates of the books I read in my personal blog,
Blog and Business Goals
Launch SavingsPinay Podcast
One of my big projects for 2020 is to launch my own podcast. A lot of readers have been sending this request over and I thought it would be nice for me to relive as well my dreams of becoming a DJ. Finally this big project is now done! You can now listen to the very first episode in Spotify or iTunes.
Blog 100 Times
Last year, I was missing-in-action on the blog. I never really made an effort to write and publish a new post every week. I got caught up with my new role at work that I slowly turned to the “I’m busy” card instead of pushing myself.
For May, I ended up with eight new posts which is finally, within the target of 8 to 10 posts every month. Here’s to hoping I can continue this (or even better) on June.
52 YouTube Videos
Last February 2020, I started doing live videos on my Facebook Page. I was planning to upload the videos on YouTube and start publishing new videos every Tuesday!
Although I already have two videos as a backlog for editing, I still didn’t publish them for March because the enhanced community quarantine happened. I don’t want to publish two videos back to back only to stop uploading again.
So, I’m really thinking if I can film at home. My space is limited plus there is a lot of noise in the neighborhood but I hope I can make it work in April.
The outbreak has yet to settle down so I don’t think this is possible anytime soon.
May 2020 Net Worth Update
My Extra Income is on fire for the month of May 2020!!! I’ve been maximizing the newfound free time as I am still working-from-home to find ways I can make money on the side. As I mentioned in the beginning, I have more to come in the next couple of months.
For the investments, I am still hopeful that 2020 will be a better year. As for me, I choose to stay invested no matter what. I just follow my investment strategy, Peso-Cost Average since I don't need the money any time soon.
Next Month’s Plan
Last month, one of my goal is to workout 5x a week. Sadly I missed a number of days on the week day to tag this goal as done. But, if there’s anything I’m happy about it is the fact that I’ve been working out more now than before. For May 2020, I was able to workout 15 times. That’s half of the month! Hooray!!!
For June 2020, I plan to make an expense. I’m planning to restock on my skincare and vitamins. I might order online. Working-from-home continuously provide me plenty of room to save money. I had no money spent for commute, snacks, lunch and dining out.
Last Month’s Goal:
Workout every 5x a week (Mondays to Fridays) – FAILED
Start making progress with eBook – DONE
Continue to bulk up on contents before the enhanced community quarantine is lifted – DONE
Money Goals this Month:
Conduct a Mid-Year Financial Review
Update 2020 Financial Game Plan
Release Paid eBook
Launch Passion Project X
Blog in advance
Final Notes from SavingsPinay
Unlike last month when I thought we will be back on-site for work, June 2020 is another work-from-home situation. With this I plan to continue the work I had done over the past month especially on the area of extra income.
The COVID-19 pandemic really changed our way of life.
Stay safe and stay healthy. That’s it for May 2020.
How’s your finances for May 2020?