Last Updated on December 13, 2021 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH
Hi! Welcome to my May 2017 Recap and Extra Income Report.
In case you are new to here, just last month I started sharing a detailed recap of my finances and a comprehensive report of my extra income streams.
I received positive response in doing a better version of monthly recap. I hope by doing this I inspire you to stop living on one income and start earning extra through side hustling.
My May 2017 Recap and Extra Income Report will go in-depth on what I did for the past month in the following categories of my life:
Blogging, Weddings and Events Business, Freelance Content Writing, YouTube, Personal Development and Overall Finances.
I will give you a breakdown on what happened on the blog the past month and how I was able to earn through blogging.
Weddings and Events Business
I will give you updates about Izza Glino Weddings and Events! You all know that I host and coordinate wedding and events part-time, right? It is something I've been doing since 2011 and one of the most stable side hustle I have.
Freelance Content Writing
I will share my tips and tricks in becoming a freelance content writer in the Philippines. Freelance content writing has been an addition on my extra income report since 2016. I offer my service to companies in the hope that they will find my skills in writing beneficial for their business.
I will tell you the progress I’ve been doing for my YouTube channel.
Personal Development
I will share to you how I achieve my goals under personal development like reading, growing as a person and more.
Overall Finances
Lastly, I will reveal how my sources of extra income helped me in my finances and how I plan to grow it in order to achieve financial freedom.
I enjoy reading recaps and income reports from other bloggers and decided to do the same for SavingsPinay. I hope this kind of post also inspires you.
Please expect a new Recap and Extra Income Report every first Monday of the month.
As mentioned before, my main goal for 2017 is to increase my blog income significantly. I’ve been blogging for past four years but it was only last year when I got serious making money as a blogger.
Below are the highlights/progress I made on SavingsPinay this May 2017 Recap and Extra Income Report
- I started including ads within my blog posts. Thanks to my brother from I now know how to insert Adsense ads in the body of my posts. This move increased my blog income by 103% compared to last month.
- I bought my own domain in Pangalan. This positioned my blog better than before. Having my own domain proved to be the best investment ever. My URL is shorter making it easier to search and to remember. It also helped increase my traffic which of course led to a better ad placement income on the blog. You too can get your own domain today. Enjoy the back-to-school discount Pangalan is offering. Just click HERE.
- I got serious in my SEO strategy for the blog and it is bringing me positive results so far. Here are the things I did this May when it comes to optimizing SavingsPinay:
a. I created a better, longer, more comprehensive and SEO-approved updated version of my low-performing posts. READ: 40 Financial Habits for Life and 10 Most Important Lessons in Personal Finance. I then removed the old version to not distract the attention that my updated posts receive.
b. I started including a smaller blog images instead of full-size like before. I also put it to the right to make my readers stay longer on my website.
c. I am making all of my content readable. I started using shorter sentences with the aim to make my session time better.
d. I only post valuable content that I know my readers will actually read.
e. I focused on keywords that I want to rank high.
f. I bought The Complete Digital Marketing Course 2017 on Udemy. I saw this on my Facebook and got interested at first glance. I really wanted to learn more about marketing my blogs and my weddings and events business on the digital world and I hope this course will help me.
Here are the links of my regular posts this May 2017:
- Best Mutual Funds in the Philippines – May 2017 Update
- If You Are Living On One Income, You’re Doing It Wrong
- Reader Question | Where Should I Invest My Money?
- Weekly Notes #08 | The Best of Personal Finance Tips and Must-Reads
- The 10 Most Important Lessons to Learn in Personal Finance
- 40 Financial Habits for Life You Really Need to Know
- April 2017 Recap and Extra Income Report while Working Full-Time
- I unlocked my goal of 175 member for The SavingsPinay Community on Facebook before May ends. I created SavingsPinay to be an extended hub for the readers of this blog. It is open for discussion, questions and resource materials in the area of finances. Join here.
- I am receiving blog traffic on Pinterest! After creating my Pinterest for SavingsPinay I got surprised to see that people are pinning my posts. Pinterest now shows on my Referral Traffic. Do follow me too and I'm sure to follow you back!
READ | Your 2017 Guide on How To Start a Blog | SavingsPinay
Blog Goals for June
Those were my major accomplishments for the May 2017. By June, my goal is to finally launch the SavingsPinay Resource Library. I am also doing an eBook that will serve as my opt-in freebie.
How I Make Extra Income Blogging on the side?
Now you may wonder how I make extra income blogging. In the beginning I didn't really plan to make money out of my blog. It seem so impossible to me.
Then last year when I started to invest more time, money and effort on the blog opportunities opened. I realized I can really make extra income with it.
And so here's a quick breakdown on how I do it:
1. Adsense
If you look on the sidebar of this blog you'll find some ad placements. I earn through impressions and clicks those ad placements generate.
2. Sponsored Post
Sometimes I get an opportunity to write for a company which is in line with what I blog and what you, my audience, likes to read. This holds a big chunk of my earnings in blogging for the past four years. On my 2015 Extra Income Report, I haven’t declared any earnings from sponsored posts because I only got a chance to work with brands/companies come 2016. If you want to learn more about sponsored post opportunity on this blog, shoot me a message on
3. Affiliates
I make money by joining affiliate programs in the Philippines. Below are the companies and programs I am affiliated with:
- Pangalan (read more on my How to Start a Blog post). You can buy domain or hosting plans through Pangalan with my link. As of this writing their .com domain is on sale. You can have your own .com blog for only 390pesos!
- TravelBook (read more on my How to Earn as a TravelBook Affiliate post) I became an affiliate with TravelBook since August last year when they held a blogging contest which I fortunately won. If you want to book hotel or accommodation on your next trip then try to check TravelBook. They have tons of partnered hotels all over the Philippines and some even give huge discounts. Click here.
- Lazada (read more on my How to Make Money with Lazada post). I recommend makeup or skincare products I use and include an affiliate link on my other blog, IzzaGlinoFull. Here on SavingsPinay I share books I read and other resource materials with their unique affiliate link. Make sure to check out some items on sale on Lazada.
[NOTE: Aside from SavingsPinay I also own and maintain a beauty and lifestyle blog, Hope you can check it out. ]
For more information on how bloggers earn with their blog, read How to Blog and Earn in the Philippines.
Blog Income and Traffic for May 2017
I run two active blogs at the moment.
IzzaGlinoFull, a beauty and lifestyle blog for frugal Pinays and
SavingsPinay, a financial journey of a common Pinay
I follow a different content and marketing strategy for each blog. IzzaGlinoFull is more of a personal space for me where I can share my obsession with makeup and skincare, bullet journal, reading books and more.
SavingsPinay, on the other hand, is more of a resource page or niche website. I try to create more valuable posts that is in line to what my audience wants to read. I focus mainly on budgeting, saving, investing, productivity and making extra income.

For May 2017 Recap and Extra Income Report on the blog I earned the following:
- Adsense – $13.71 or 671.79php
- Sponsored Post – 0.00php
- Affiliates – 0.00php
My Adsense earning grew by 103% compared to last month. I am also thrilled to announce that I am so close in reaching my threshold of $100!!!
I am honestly having a hard time earning through Affiliate Marketing. I think I need a new strategy. I am reading a lot of blog posts on how to by being an affiliate and will definitely come up of my own tactic next.
No sponsored post/s for the month of May. This is also an area where I need to work harder.
One thing that made a huge difference on my blog extra income report is TRAFFIC. The whole SEO-strategy I am applying boosted my traffic significantly. Below are screenshots of my blog traffic both for SavingsPinay and IzzaGlinoFull.

READ | Confessions of a Personal Finance Blogger
Total Extra Income in Blogging | $13.71
Izza Glino Weddings and Events launched last May 31! And my very first battle ground will be Bloggers United Philippines happening in June 3. I am so honored to be part of the biggest gathering of local bloggers and influencers as an event host.
After June 3 my next hosting gig will be June 8.
The wedding and event industry has been very kind to me. I am glad that my dream to put up my own start-up business has finally become a reality.
- My business website, is now up and running.
- My eldest sister Ellie is helping me manage Izza Glino Weddings and Events as Co-Owner and Head of Creatives. As you may know she did all the marketing materials for IzzaGevents like calling card (concept and design), letter head for future business letters and contracts as well as social media icons. I believe her inclusion will make the business run better. You can DM her on Instagram @ellizoid.creates or email her at forany creative needs. Soon her website will launch too!
- In summary the service offerings of Izza Glino Wedding and Events will be wedding and event hosting, wedding and event coordination and wedding and event add-ons like themed photoshoots, bridal shower package, invitations and more.
- I will be creating a full blog post on how I launched my start-up weddings and events business soon. I hope the post will further inspire you to stop living on one income and start doing a side hustle or even putting up your own business!
- I have zero extra income for May 2017 since I just launched the website for IzzaGevents. Hopefully the future is bright for next month.
Total Extra Income in Weddings and Events Business | 0

Another way I make extra income while working full-time is through freelance content writing. I work for companies and other bloggers (mostly foreign) on any content need as long as within my niche.
This is something you can earn extra income at home without investment and I love it.
For the first part of 2017 I slowed down on this area because I had tough month last February and March. Fortunately I am recovering well and is back in doing freelance content writing services.
- The airline and hotel booking website I’ve been writing since last year had sadly stopped giving me assignments. As per my last update they’ve already hired an in-house content writer and won’t need to outsource at the moment.
- Since I do have a lot of good content for travel my next action is to search and to send pitch on other hotel booking websites who might need my content writing services.
- I am temporary paid writing gigs for I am submitting a total of six articles a month. All articles are then part of my portfolio which will definitely help me increase my potential client rate. In case you want to read my posts on, please click HERE.
- Since I don’t plan to create a website for my content writing services my next action is to update my Upwork profile. This will then expose me to foreign clients in the hope of a better extra income.
I am happy to help businesses and other bloggers grow through content marketing. If you need my service don’t hesitate to email me at
Total Extra Income for Freelance Content Writing | 5,000php
I am trying my hardest to film new videos for my YouTube channel but then again I procrastinate a lot in doing so.
YouTube is something I enjoy doing with or without the payment I receive. I don’t know why but I really enjoy talking in front of the camera.
Just like last month below are my plans to grow my YouTube earnings.
- Delete low performing videos to give way to high performing ones.
- Upload more videos and follow a consistent upload schedule. My plan is to have a new video on my channel every Mondays and Thursdays.
- Create value on the content I upload. I should focus on creating videos that will others as well.
With that being said and done I hope you can check My YouTube Channel and subscribe as well.
Total Extra Income in YouTube | $2.08
May was spent entirely in reading and breathing the book, The Life-Changing Act of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo.
I am the least organized person you will ever meet. I tend to hoarder things from clothing, physical papers to photos on my phone, etc.
I purchased the book before April ended and I’m obsessed. I am learning a lot on proper organization. I will be posting a review of the book on my other blog, IzzaGlinoFull so make sure to visit that.
After properly discarding and organizing my stuff I plan to sell my pre-loved online. This will then turn into additional money for savings and investments.
I didn’t do any travel for May but I manage to reunite with a lot of people in my inner circle. More of this story on my Goodbye May, Hello June 2017 entry on my other blog.
If you are still on a planning mode make sure to visit TravelBook to know any discounted hotel/accommodation near your desired destination.
READ | The 10 Most Important Lessons to Learn in Personal Finance
Now to end this post I’ll be sharing to you a reflection on my overall finances this May 2017. I received a comment on my previous recap and income report to include actual numbers.
I’ll be honest that the reason why I only did percentages last month is because I am not confident enough to share figures only.
1. I have friends and relatives who knows me and might read the post.
2. I, too have a difficulty when it comes to computing for my net worth since masiyadong kalat yung pera ko.
However, I do understand that actual numbers is necessary. I also want to see how my finances will change over time. So yes, starting May 2017 I will show actual figures already.
READ: My Financial Bucket List
The picture above summarize my current ASSETS as of May 2017.
- Note that I didn't add my blog income and YouTube income for May 2017 as mentioned earlier since I haven't surpassed the threshold yet. The money on the extra income you are seeing are what's left of my previous earnings as well as the additional money I earned by freelance writing.
- Both Receivable #1 and #2 are money owed to me.
- Other Assets are combined value of items I own that has market value like aircon (I won on a raffle), LCD projector and gadgets like Ipad Mini and previous HP laptop.
- For investments I do have my direct stocks (started last March 2017) and equity mutual fund which I opened way back 2014.
- As for Retirement I just wrote down "Life Plan" since you all know I have a life plan at St. Peter. No idea how much the value would be. [READ | Reader Question : How to Avail a St. Peter Life Plan?]
The picture above summarize my current LIABILITIES as of May 2017.
- The amount I still owe for the work outfit shopping I did is now down to 1,990php. Yehey! 1 more payment next month and I'm done.
- I didn't include the iPhone Plan since it is more of a monthly bill to me rather than a credit.
- For the Canon EOS M3, I still owe 12,798php. I will be paying 2,200php every month until November this year.

The picture above is my Total Net Worth as of May 2017.
- Honestly, now that I see actual figure it makes it easier to create smarter financial goals. I love it! Now I know what area I need to work on.
- I know there's much I need to work on especially in the extra income department. As soon as the weddings and events business start rolling there is a good chance that my current net worth will improve.
Final Notes from SavingsPinay
I hope you enjoyed May 2017 Recap and Extra Income Report. I plan to do this every first Monday of the month in time when I do my budget review.
By the way, I am still working full-time on my new job. I have no plans of quitting unless I feel confident enough that my extra income can support me towards financial freedom.
Thank you for reading my post. See you on the next racap and extra income report.
How was May for you? Are you interested to make extra income while working full-time too?
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