Last Updated on December 7, 2021 by
Today I’m doing my Mid-Year Financial Review for 2020!
I did this in 2017 and 2018 but wasn’t able to do one last year.
In this post we will reflect and look back and on how the first six months of the year has been in the area of finances.
As always, I focus in checking the progress and necessary adjustments I can do with the following:
My 2020 Financial Goals
My Current Spending Habits
My Extra Income Projects
My Mid-Year Net Worth
My Next Actions to finish the year strong
This Mid-Year Financial Review takes on an hour or less to finish and I highly recommend you do the same.
Pick a specific date where you can sit down and conduct a financial review. Make sure you have a pen and paper ready.
Or sign-up to the SavingsPinay Resource Library to access my very first free opt-in, The Mid-Year Financial Review Workbook.
The Mid-Year Financial Review Workbook includes the following:
1. SMARTER Financial Goals Worksheet
Are you struggling in reaching your financial goals? Then maybe you need to revisit your goals and make them smarter. This worksheet will help you do that exactly. I devise a worksheet that will assist you in goal-setting with the corresponding next actions you need to do.
2. Your Daily Spending Tracker Worksheet
Tracking your day-to-day spending is essential to keep up with your budget. Isn’t it nice to know exactly where your money goes? Let’s make tracking our daily expenses easier and more convenient with this free worksheet. You can print and cut it, turn into a little handy notebook and bring with you anywhere.
3. The Side-Hustle Worksheet
If you are living on one income then you are doing it wrong. I’ve talked about side-hustling every now and then to encourage you to step up and earn extra income too. If you don’t know where to start then this free worksheet is for you. I included helpful tips and questions to ask for you to determine the best side-hustle to have this year.
4. Calculate Your Net worth Worksheet
Any financial review is not complete without calculating your net worth. This is an essential step to set a map on how your finances should be and would be in the future. The tool included in this free The Mid-Year Financial Review Workbook will be your guide in correctly computing your current net worth.
5. My Next Actions
Lastly, you will get a free My Next Actions List to jot down what your possible area of improvement will be to finish the year strong.
I also added two new freebies in the library that can be helpful tools when you do your own Mid-Year Financial Review – The 6-Months Goals Workbook and The 30 Days of Actions Challenge.
Again you can download The Mid-Year Financial Review Workbook + the newest freebies in the SavingsPinay Resource Library. Now let’s begin with the financial review!
My 2020 Financial Goals
To view my full post I made about my goals for 2020, please click this link.
Here are my financial goals for the year:
End 2020 with Php 500,000 net worth
Save Php 60,000 Emergency Fund
Max-out Php 48,000 invested in Funds
Do Spavings and record it
Do the 1% Money Saving Challenge
Save Money on Commute – Sidecar
I also shared my Personal, Blog and Business as well as my Fun Goals with you as follows:
Get a promotion
Read 20 books
Launch SavingsPinay Podcast
Blog 100 Times
52 YouTube Videos
Earn $400 on Google Adsense
Now let’s take a look on the progress I made for the first six months of 2020.
Goal 1. End 2020 with Php 500,000 net worth
For 2020 I set a very ambitious goal of reaching Php 500,000 net worth. I was so positive about this goals since I already hit my Php 250,000 mark last year without any salary adjustment.
I knew this is such a challenging goal and quite unrealistic but I was confident that I will get a promotion given the performance I did for my new role in the company. Plus, I also planned to launch digital products that will help me earn more extra income to support this goal.
The promotion did happen but, so is the COVID-19 pandemic.
Because of the COVID-19 scare, the family decided it’s best for my parents (both in their 60s) to live in the province for good.
We had to support their basic needs plus shell out an amount that will the necessary financial things our parents will have to settle before moving out.
Another problem I had with the COVID-19 is how hard it is to budget and do net worth tracking. I am fortunate enough to work from home during this trying times, and although financially it is indeed a good month – I was also bleeding from groceries and utility bills.
Not to mention the amount of anxiety this whole situation has been giving us.
So far, this may not be possible anymore.
My new goal now is to just finish the year at Php 350,000 mark. I still have six months to work on towards this new goal and I will share my next actions on the latter part of this post.
Goal 2. Save Php 60,000 Emergency Fund
This goal has already been long standing and I’m proud to announce in this post that I am counting this as FINALLY DONE!!!
My bonus from work came and decided to go all in to close this goal for now. You all know how long I've tried to save up for a proper emergency fund.
I might attempt for another Php 60,000 Emergency Fund goal next year but for now I will stop with this amount and up my investing game.
With the market still in its sale season, I really like to stay invested as much as I can. A long post about emergency fund and what to do when you already reached it is in progress, so please stay tuned for that.
Goal 3. Max-out Php 48,000 invested in Funds
This amount is based on 30% of my monthly salary as investable money. So far I am doing well with this goal and with my emergency fund done, I will have 10% additional investable money.
Goal 4. Do Spavings and Record
It I made a post about Spavings and how it works.
Spavings is the perceived savings you get when you buy something on sale. The term is actually a play on words Spend and Save.
With spavings, you are encouraged to deliberately put that money saved as part of your savings.
A lot of times you encounter people who say they saved this amount of money for a 20% off deal, when in reality what they did was only to spend money because savings only accounts to money we actually SAVED.
The current spavings at the moment is still Php 1440.00. Since the COVID-19 situation began I haven’t had any spaving moment worth noting. The most of my expenses are on groceries which we do bi-monthly.
Goal 5. Do the 1% Money Saving Challenge
This is a saving challenge I decided to join in order to build my travel fund for my birthday getaway. However, due to the current situation travel will surely not happen this year. I am still keeping this goal in tact so I can have a working travel fund now.
Goal 6. Save on Commute – Sidecar
This year, I decided to give up sidecar (or pedicab) on my commute. One ride costs Php 8 and I do it twice, going to work and going home. I am saving Php 80 every work week which accounts to Php 320 savings in a month.
For some reason, it was a lot harder to commit to this goal than I thought it would be. And just like the Spavings, with me working from home for the last four months I don’t really spend any money on commute anymore. Thus, this goal is not as relevant for now.
Goal 7. Get a promotion
I got my promotion last February 2020.
The waiting period seems too long (3 years) but in those time of unknown, He listens. He was always there.
Since the promotion began, I’ve been budgeting and living based on my previous salary. The major salary increase I got is what I’ve been using to provide monthly cash allowance to my parents during COVID-19 as mentioned above.
Overall, I am so grateful for the opportunity to be working in the field where I am passionate about, finance. And not to mention doing what I love to do – social media 😊
Goal 8. Read 20 Books
I made a goal to read 20 books this year and as of end of June I was on my 9th book. I also already laid down all the books that I’ll be reading for the rest of the year. Here they are.
Reading is such a great way to pass time productively. I’ve never been successful when it comes to reading challenges I join and I really want this year to be different.
In case you need book recommendations you may check out this post – 18 Must Read Books on Money, Business, Investing and Productivity.
Goal 9. Launch SavingsPinay Podcast
I never thought I’ll be able to do achieve this goal since I’ve been putting off working on a podcast for so long now. I think I first talked about this in 2018 but have since made progress about this venture.
When the enhanced community quarantine got extended in April 2020, I made it a point to act maximize the work from home set up and act on this goal. Finally, I got it done!
A lot of SavingsPinay readers have been sending this request over and I thought it would be nice for me to relive as well my dreams of becoming a DJ. Finally this big project is now done!
You can now listen to the very first episode in Spotify or iTunes.
Goal 10. Blog 100 Times
I am too far from this goal already. I should be at 50 published posts already if I want this goal to be tagged us done. Sadly, I wasn’t as diligent and consistent when it comes to publishing posts. For now, I will change this goal to Blog 80 Times just to make it as realistic.
Goal 11. 52 YouTube Videos
I really want to get back into YouTube especially now that I’ve been working from home and have this newfound time to do so. Sadly, I can’t seem to find the right time to film. I live in a noisy neighborhood and I’m too afraid to film and have the end video filled with noises. But, I will do my best to accomplish this goal. For now, I narrow this down to at least 20 YouTube Videos for the year.
Goal 12. Earn $400 on Google Adsense
I am below 50% mark for my goal of earning $400 on Google Adsense. I don’t know if I can actually accomplish this goal.
Goal 13. Hike
Because of the pandemic this will definitely not happen this 2020. I so miss the feeling of hiking.
Highlights of 2020 so far
It’s so hard to find particular highlights for year just because 2020 has been so surreal up to this point. But, allow me to share some personal achievements so far.
Launch of the SavingsPinay Podcast
I’ve been longing for this day that I get to say I launched a podcast. One of my life long dreams is to be a DJ and I guess starting a podcast is the closest I can live that goal.
Last April 24, I launched the very first episode and you can listen to it both on Spotify and iTunes and we’re now on Episode 4. If you haven’t listened to any episode of the SavingsPinay Podcast make sure to do so!
One-on-One Money Coaching
I have yet to launch this program in public but I am silently handling two students already for the One-on-One Money Coaching. Both students, sent me a private message on Facebook and really shared interest to increase their financial quotient. We are done with our second session and can’t wait for the next to come.
If you are interested or have questions regarding the availability of One-on-One Money Coaching Program just send me a message at
The SavingsPinay Community on Facebook, Instagram and Email
Looking back I never really thought that SavingsPinay will receive so much support from everybody. We are now 5600 Followers on Facebook, 300 Followers on Instagram and almost 3000 Subscribers on Email Newsletter.
Thank you so much for the continuous support.
I have reintroduced the SavingsPinay Resource Library and it’s now active again. If you want to receive the free access just sign up to my email list below:
Be part of the SavingsPinay Email List and Get Free Access to the SavingsPinay Resource Library
You will find free template and the Mid-Year Financial Review Workbook there.
My 2020 Current Spending Habits
I am grateful to still have my day job in the midst of this trying times and I’m privileged I can work from home as well.
Financially, the first six months of the year has been good. I’ve been been saving a lot of money from transportation and food. However, two new expenses has opened up because of the pandemic. Currently, I’m giving allowance to my parents to help them and I’ve been doing groceries as well.
So far, I haven’t had any major, major expense done other than the two.
For my blog and business I added three monthly expenses as well, all of which are helpful so I get to maintain my email list. I consider these as investments for the future of SavingsPinay.
My Extra Income Projects
I really wanted to make the most out of the newfound time I have in this pandemic. And that means focusing on other ways the blog can make extra money. I know I needed to increase my extra income bucket if I want to achieve my new net worth goal of Php 350,000.
Currently, I am working on an eBook and this shall be launched by end of July 2020. I also plan to open my One-on-One Coaching Program to public as soon as I have studied what my schedule will look like.
Definitely, the Weddings and Events business will be put on halt due to the pandemic. My heart breaks for couples who have already planned out their wedding in advance.
As for the YouTube, I will do my best to get back to this and focus on personal finance and personal growth as a niche.
The SavingsPinay Podcast is also going strong. I do hope I can have sponsorship for it soon.
How I plan to grow my income before 2020 ends?
- Continue saving every penny I can now that I’m working from home.
- Release paid eBook.
- Publish new YouTube videos so I can increase my watch time and hopefully get eligible in YouTube Adsense Program.
- Create and release an Email Course.
- Launch the One-on-One Coaching Program to public.
My 2020 Mid-Year Net Worth Update
Finally, here’s my latest net worth so far.
There are changes from May 2020 Net Worth Update because I finally had the time review all my accounts.
Why you should compute your net worth?
1. It reveals your current financial status.
2. It helps you create possible next action to stay on track with your financial goals.
3. It gives you an idea on how much you really owe and what area you can adjust to pay-off your debt.
4. It motivates you to strive and to hustle more.
Want to Calculate Your Own Net Worth? Sign Up and download the Simple Net Worth Tracker in the SavingsPinay Resource Library.
My Next Actions to Finish the Year Strong
With my 2020 goals revisited, spending habits reviewed, income projects launched and net worth revealed, below are my the main areas I will be working harder on:
- Get at least a month ahead in my blog posts. Doing this will autopilot the success of both SavingsPinay and IzzaGlino this 2020. I’ve been doing well in getting one week ahead of posts so the next thing on my py plate is tro try to go at least a month’s ahead.
- Work on my extra income projects – From launching the One-on-One Money Coaching Program to releasing digital products such as an eBook and eCourse before the year ends.
Final Notes from SavingsPinay
Do Your Own Mid-Year Financial Review Too!
Constant review makes a lot of difference. Mid-year reviews give you the chance to make adjustments and can help you to stay conscious throughout the year. To recap this is how I do my Mid-Year review:
First, re-evaluate your financial goals.
If you set your goals at the start of the year then you can revisit each and review the status. What goal/s is/are done or accomplished already? Is there any goal that’s not relevant anymore?
Second, review your spending habits.
Find out who and how you are when it comes to spending your money lately. Are you saver or spender? Do you spend more on your needs or your wants?
Third, start your side hustle.
Think of a passion project you can do on the side in the next six months. It is not too late to change your 2020!
Fourth, calculate your net-worth.
To give you a concrete road map you need to calculate your current net-worth. I provided a simple template for you to use.
Lastly, list down your next actions. Once your done with steps 1-4, you can now make an action list. Commit yourself in doing the items written in your next action list to finish 2017 strong!
Join the SavingsPinay Mailing List and download the Mid-Year Financial Review Worksheets I have prepared for free.
Be part of the SavingsPinay Email List and Get Free Access to the SavingsPinay Resource Library