Last Updated on December 13, 2021 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH
We are now on the last episode for Season 1 of The SavingsPinay Podcast.
When we talk about money, it’s uncommon to discuss about giving back. Most often than not we are focused on other financial tasks such as budgeting, saving money, investing, and so on that we see giving as the least of the priorties.
But, genuine generosity is a sign of financial freedom.
It shows that money does not control you and your life anymore. Money now becomes only a tool and not where you depend your everything. You begin to see that there’s more to life than having a fat wallet. You are now able to live life, it’s ups and downs and enjoy whatever good things or hardships it gives.
Look at the greatest philanthropist according to amount given. It includes Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, and Elon Musk known to be the wealthiest among the wealthiest.
But, How Can You Generously Give
A WikiHow article shares five steps on how one can give freely.
1. Give from the heart.
Give simply because you want to give, because you’ve found something you believe in, and because you want to do good in the world. It shouldn’t be a way to impress other people or because you want something in return.
2. Know that being generous will make you happier.
People who are generous are known to be happier than those who are not. The act radiates positive outlook and more energy to do good in the world. There’s even videos you can watch online on how giving and kindness creates an endless ripple.
3. Notice what would make someone’s life easier.
As the adage goes, everyone you meet is fighting a battle. This mere thought should inspire one to be selfless. Make someone else’s life easier through your generosity.
4. Be grateful for what you have.
Gratitude is an important factor that will help you live in abundance financially. By definition, gratitude is the quality of being thankful; the readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. Being thankful for all the good things in life creates positive feeling over situation. Here are ways you can implement the attitude of gratitude in every area of your life:
Keep a gratitude journal. A gratitude journal is a diary of things for which one is grateful. TIt doesn’t have to a detailed entry. A simple bullet points of what you are most thankful for the day already works.
Create a gratitude ritual. Every morning as part of my routine I talk to God and thank Him for a new day He has blessed me with. The said ritual easily become a game changer for my morning. Just to be able to have a conversation with God in the most quiet hours of the day led me to be more intentional on what I want my day to be. Don’t forget to be generous to yourself.
5. Don’t forget about yourself in the process.
Recognize what you want and need.
Investing in yourself is important because its your own way of living life better. The return of your investment is passive, meaning it grows exponentially without you even lifting a finger. If investing your money comes with inevitable risk-factor, investing in yourself is risk-free and full of rewards instead.
You are your greatest asset.
When you invest in yourself, you are unleashing the greatest version of yourself. It is actually a form of self-love. Developing yourself from your skills to your overall attitude will determine the quality of life you will live now and in the future.
To learn more on how you can invest in yourself go to – 7 Ways You Can Invest in Yourself
5 Ways You Can Give Back
There are many ways you can give back. And contrary to popular belief, giving back doesn’t always involve money.
Here they are:
Give Tithe – It’s written in the Bible that we must reserve 10% of our earnings to the Kingdom of the Lord. Tithing is our own way of showing our appreciation to God’s grace, love and blessings.
All along giving 10% of my income was such a burden for me. I have plenty of reservations in this biblical mandate and thought I could get past by simply attending church service and living a good life.
But there’s more to TITHING than the monetary gifts. God doesn’t really need the money we give. He wants our hearts. He wants to know how much we trust Him and His provisions to our life.
Tithing is an act of obedience. It’s putting God above our finances and above whatever selfish desire we have.
Give your talent. Your God-given talent should be shared. Whether it is dancing, singing, acting or playing an instrument, you may want to give back by sharing it to the people around you. And who knows, this can lead you to earn extra income.
Give your time. Time is such a valuable resource. Nowadays, we are often busy and in a hurry that we forget that meaningful conversations matter. Be generous and make quality time with your family, your friends, or with someone else into your schedule.
Give compliments. You can make someone’s day by sharing your positivity in the form of a genuine compliment. Don’t let the day pass by without appreciating someone. It could be their smile, their unique character, their skills, or their new venture.
Give a helping hand. Being helpful is a skill that takes hard work to develop. But now more than ever, we need to practice this character. Be ready to give a helping hand should the need arise.
Generosity is something we all must cultivate in our life. Remember giving something willingly without expecting anything in return is also a proof of wealth.