Last Updated on June 9, 2015 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH
We are over 50,000 pageviews.I can’t believe that we already passed the 50,000 mark pageviews for SavingsPinay!!! Thank you for supporting each and every post from this blog and really taking time to read each article. If you have extra time do follow me on Facebook, too.
I shared information about my job!!!Before May ended I shared a career post in the field of Technical Writing. I’ve been a Technical Writer for a year and a half now and it is one of the wisest career move that I’ve ever done. Read: How To Be A Technical Writer in the Philippines.
New FAMI Portal.As many of you know, I am a FAMI SALEF holder. I’ve been investing in a mutual fund for the a year and a half too. Just recently I checked my ROI via the FAMI Portal and found out that they had changed their website. It was a better looking website and I can easily navigate to every modules available.My ROI is really promising and not any other investment could give that for less than two years.
FAMI Plan Holders Meet Up!I believe I’ve mentioned on other blog posts before that I have workmates that also end up investing in FAMI-SALEF upon knowing that I have an account. Both of them resigned last year but they were still working along Makati so we ended up having a lunch near Rufino. We talked about life of course and I informed them about the new FAMI portal.
SEO Content Writing.A big surprise on the month of May is that I ended up having a new sideline!!!! I am doing freelance SEO Content Writing and I honestly love the job. I write content based on keyword and make sure that to pass high quality articles only. So far I’ve done around 20 posts already and I am very excited for my fee!!! I’ll be adding the amount on my future fund.
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