Last Updated on March 31, 2015 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH
I still can’t believe that March is over. It still feels like yesterday that I had my February Quick Recap. March has been very good as it opened a whole new opportunities and learning for me. Though the month also has a bit of sadness since my beloved OJTs were done spending time in the office I still can’t contain my happiness with the celebrations of the month.
March Quick Recap!
1. It is Women’s Month!!! I love March for it gives a way for the world to recognize Women Power. March 8 is the official date but the whole month is prepared for the said international occasion. I got a post dedicated form the Juana this month called Women and Money…and everything that comes in between.
2. We hit 38,000 Pageviews!!! Seeing the page views getting bigger and bigger over time makes me kilig. I feel like before the –ber month hit we can do the 50,000 page views mark!!! Woohoo!!! The biggest dream will probably hit 50,000 pageviews a day but I know it will take years for the said dream to come true.
3. I am studying again and this time its all about financial management. For the first week of March I was introduced to IMG Wealth Academy, an institution built to promote financial literacy to every families. I paid 3,800pesos so that I can attend all the 33 series but the first two are for free. If you’ve been looking for a school to learn more about your finances then I highly recommend IMG Wealth Academy. You can register HERE.
4. I met with a blog reader!!! Long ago me and Ms. Cary had a chat and we were actually planning to meet even before 2014 ends. Fortunately, last Saturday we were both available and we met in SM Megamall. We both talked about basic financial management and I gave her suggestions on how she can effectively budget her money, increase her cash flow and start her solid financial foundation.
Meet Cary!!! |
5. I am opening my time for financial consultation. I love sharing what I know and starting the month of March and since I got into the Wealth Academy I just love to relive the mission and share what I know to people. You can send an email at if you want nang kausap tungkol sa “pera” hehe. If our time permits we can also do a personal meet up for free.
6. I updated my Investment Plans and Nice to Haves!!! Since the first trimester is over I felt like I need to update the my investment plans for you guys. I had the whole post entitled UPDATE on my Investment Plans and Nice to HavesI actually had a great change for my goals because of few realizations in life.
7. Join my email list. If you have time I encourage you to join my email list for my weekly newsletters. I giveaway templates, checklists and ebooks for my VIP Email List plus I have insights that I mostly reveal for my email list only. You can enter your email address on the pop up page once you go to SavingsPinay.
Published Blog Posts for the March
- (3rd Most Viewed) On Investments Gone Wrong
- Budget Categories: A Basic Guide for Your Next Spe…
- (2nd Most Viewed) What To Expect on Your First Seminar on IMG Wealth…
- All About Philhealth
- 5 Reasons To Find Enjoyment in Your Daily Job
- UPDATE on my 2015 Investment Plans and Nice to Hav…
- Women and Money (…and everything that comes in bet…
- (Most Viewed Post!) Expand Your Knowledge! Attend the FREE Financial S…
- Studying Your Payslip
- How to Dress Up for a Job Interview like a Pro
- Timeless Job Interview Tips
- How to answer “So Tell Me About Yourself” and More…
- What to do Before, During and After a Job Intervie…
- Introducing: SavingsPinay’s Job Interview Series
- 13 Things You Need to Deal with After Graduation
- Finding Out What You Want in Life
- Different ways you can apply the 52-Week Money Cha…
- SavingsPinay’s February Quick Recap!
Goodbye March and Hello February!!! Hope you have a blessed month ahead.
How did your month went?! Did you enjoy March?! Hope you are pumped up for the coming month!