Last Updated on December 28, 2014 by Izza of SavingsPinayPH
As I may have honestly admitted over the past posts my 2014 Financial and Personal Goals has been an epic fail. I wasn’t able to accomplish even half of my list which you could as a page. I even said that my goal is more of a wish list rather than a goal board and hopefully the 2015 Financial and Personal Goals will be better.
A copy of my 2014 Financial and Personal Goals. Those crossed out were the only ones I was able to achieve.
It’s a good way to start the year right by setting SMART goals. I am hoping you will be with me in this journey. On bullets are I am continuously working hard to achieve.
Seek God more, be mindful of my tithes and my Sunday service.
A closer family
Have a good following in this humble blog.
Make it to top 50 financial blogs for 2014.
Have my SSS ID
Have my Passport
Have a driver’s license
Have a Unionbank EON card for my Paypal account
Have a PSBank debit credit card
Have a FAMI Mutual fund investment
Have my first try on stock market through COL Easy Investment Program
Have my emergency fund (I am planning to have all of my sideline or hosting payments go straight to my emergency fund)
Celebrate my 21st birthday with a party 🙂
Buy a DSLR camera
Put up a photobooth business
Put up a Events company business
Have 500,000pesos before the year ends.
Build my Portfolio Income
Search for a town house that i will be investing in for 2015
Though I admit to the failure, I am still proud of those I have accomplished such as Having a good following on this blog, Making it to the Top 50 Business and Financial Blog by My Unionbank EON Card, My FAMI Investment and Have my Emergency Fund. Indeed, having a visual representation of your goal such as a list like this helps a lot.
For those that I haven’t done I am moving them on 2015 and I am giving myself a per quarter deadline here. I admit the “500,000pesos before 2014 ends” is a bit of a big slap on my goals for there will no way I can do that for just a year (not unless I won in lotto to which I never don’t even know how to play). I guess this could be a in 5-years goal. 🙂
Same goes with the 21st Birthday Celebration that ends up with a simple (but meaningful) dinner with the family instead of an all-out lakas maka-debutant that I was planning.
The Events business is not that strong since I wasn’t able to market my profession well and find too lazy to create online ads so I wasn’t able to put up the photobooth business that I have been wanting for so long. 2015 will be my year for this, I promise!
SSS ID, Passport as well as Driver’s License should be accomplished by the first quarter of 2015 as in my 21 and Better List I have this craving for travelling. I am hoping the process will be easier and I won’t have much worry for the above goals.
Since I already got my BPI Credit Card and my sister gave me her Panasonic camera I will be crossing out the PSBank and DSLR Goals.
Thankfully the 13th month from the company came already so I have enough money to start investing in COL Easy Investment Program. This will be my second investment and part of my diversification. I might do this first thing on January because that’s the same month that I opened my FAMI Account.
The desire for the townhouse has gone for awhile and now I am craving for an apartment that I can turn into a boarding house hopefully near the UBelt area. I just want to start this business-minded side of me.
I still feel a bit guilty on how I spent the whole 2014. I procrastinate a lot especially on important matters. I should have done this, I should have got those. Just like how I shared to you in my One Step, Two Steps Back post, I have this habit of starting something and failing to go to the finish line. And I want 2015 to be better in every aspect of my life.
My Realizations
Be smart in your goals. Make it SMART!!!
Keep the faith alive, you may have picked your goals in life but God is still the Holy Director that plans our future. Know that He only wants what’s best for us.
Take action either one big step or little steps.
Be intentional in every part of your life. You might want one thing but that may cause you to lose something. Ask God for His blessings in everything that you do, you say or you think.
Keep memories of your year and your goals. Journal!
My Tips
Have accountability partners. I, for example chose to share to the virtual world my goals for you all are my accountability partners for life. That partner may keep you inspired to do better.
Have a deadline in each goal to motivate more in taking action.
Have a reward ready for any accomplishment.
In a couple of days I will be sharing my 2015 Financial and Personal Goal and I am very excited. I hope that this post help you in one way or another. Goals are important for they bring us closer to our purpose in life. Never be afraid to fail but rather be afraid of not standing up for the said mistakes of the past. In my Making 2015 the Best Year Ever eBook I talked about an activity that I believe is very in line to this post. I really do hope that you will do it. Till then, Advance Happy New Year!
Thank you Ms. Lala. Sorry for the late reply. I hope you are had a great new year celebration! 🙂
well atleast you've crossed off those major ones 🙂